De-Manufacturing Consent- “Humanitarian Wars” for Imperial Dreams: Iraq, the Islamic State & James Foley

Guillermo Jimenez Presents Daniel McAdams
On this edition of De-Manufacturing Consent: Guillermo is joined by Daniel McAdams, executive director of the Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity. McAdams gives us his take on the current situation in Iraq and Syria, as the US war machine churns out a steady stream of fear-driven propaganda and prepares for another full-on military invasion.
Cutting through the media spin, this episode raises important questions regarding the Islamic State (IS/ISIS/ISIL), its origins, and motivations. Why does John McCain (interventionism’s “Energizer bunny”) like taking pictures with “bloodthirsty terrorists” so much? How does the decapitation of a US journalist stack up against red, white, and blue drone strikes, carpet bombs, and genocide? Was the James Foley video staged? Given Foley worked for USAID until at least 2010, could he have been more than just a journalist.
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