DCCC Fakeout In Michigan

Michigan is another state about which Trump boasted, early and often, that he would win. It was in the bag. Obama won the state against McCain 57-41% and against Romney 54-45% but Trump assumed his racist clarion call to "poorly educated" white workers would win him the state. It hasn't been working out that way. The RealClearPolitics polling average shows Hillary beating him by 6 points. In fact, Hillary is beating Trump in every Michigan county Obama won and in 4 counties that Romney won: Menominee, Benzie, Berrien & Lenawee counties. And that was before it came out that Trump had groped Miss Finland. (More Finnish-Americans live in Houghton County than in any other county in America. Romney won the county in 2012 by 10 points. Hillary has cut that almost in half already-- and wait 'til those Finns find out what Trump has been doing to their women!)Far south of Houghton and the Finns, though, is MI-06, a district in the southwest corner of the state that encompasses all or part of 6 counties: Kalamazoo, Berrien, Allegan, Van Buren, St. Joseph and Cass. In 2012 Obama won 2 of them, Kalamazoo (by 13 points) and Van Buren (by just 1 point). Polling shows Hillary doing far better, beating Trump by 17 points in Kalamazoo, beating him by 3 points in Van Buren and tying him in Berrien (which Romney took by 7 points). So what about the congressional race there, which pits longtime incumbent and multimillionaire Fred Upton and Berniecrat and environmental activist Paul Clements?To shut progressives up, the DCCC put Paul on their Red-to-Blue list. And so far they've spent exactly... ZERO dollars on his race. ZERO. In Michigan the DCCC and House Majority PAC are putting all their Michigan money on drunken NRA Blue Dog Lon Johnson ($1,321,129). Lon Johnson is a party hack and a worthless careerist. Paul Clements is way too independent-minded and values-oriented for the DC establishment to ever feel comfortable with. A few days ago, Clements told his supporters that "prescription drug prices are out of control-- and that it's Congress' fault.

The Medicare Part D program was passed in 2003 to help seniors buy prescription drugs. But the law included a giveaway to pharmaceutical companies. The law prohibited the government from negotiating drug prices.In the 13 years since, many bills have been introduced to overturn this provision. They have all failed. Why? Because the pharmaceutical industry has enormous financial influence and power in the halls of Congress.All the bills to lower prescription drug prices eventually fail at the committee level. Specifically, they fail in the House Energy and Commerce Committee-- the committee of which our opponent, Congressman Upton, is the Chairman.Congressman Upton is one of the top recipients of their corporate PAC contributions, raking in $1,000,965 since they passed the "Medicare Modernization Act" in 2003. It's no wonder these bills never pass. It is, as one member of Congress put it, "Exhibit A in how crony capitalism works."...I want to fight to lower the age of eligibility, fight for the public option, and let our government use it's purchasing power to negotiate for lower prices. I need your help to get there. We have to stand up to Congressman Upton and his Big Pharma money.

The DCCC wants their candidates to stick to the talking points and not run off and make a fuss. If Paul's going to win this one, he's going to need some help that's not coming from Nancy Pelosi, Ben Ray Lujan or Steve Israel. Please consider helping his campaign by tapping the thermometer-- and watch that video up top again.