This Day In History – June 12 (Bush, Rockefeller, Napoleon, Medgar Evers, Russia Day, OJ Murders…)

1429 – Hundred Years’ War: Joan of Arc leads the French army in their capture of the city and the English commander, William de la Pole, 1st Duke of Suffolk in the second day of the Battle of Jargeau.
1665 – England installs a municipal government in New York City (the former Dutch settlement of New Amsterdam).
1775 – American Revolution: British general Thomas Gage declares martial law in Massachusetts. The British offer a pardon to all colonists who lay down their arms. There would be only two exceptions to the amnesty: Samuel Adams and John Hancock, if captured, were to be hanged.
1776 – The Virginia Declaration of Rights is adopted.
1812 – Napoleon Bonaparte invades Russia
1860 – The State Bank of the Russian Empire is established.
1864 – American Civil War, Overland Campaign: Battle of Cold Harbor – Ulysses S. Grant gives the Confederate forces under Robert E. Lee a victory when he pulls his Union troops from their positions at Cold Harbor, Virginia and moves south.
1915 – David Rockefeller, American banker and businessman was birthed.
1931 – Al Capone is indicted on 5,000 counts of prohibition & perjury
1922 – At Windsor Castle, King George V receives the colours of the six Irish regiments that are to be disbanded – the Royal Irish Regiment, the Connaught Rangers, the South Irish Horse, the Prince of Wales’s Leinster Regiment, the Royal Munster Fusiliers and the Royal Dublin Fusiliers.
1924 – George H. W. Bush, American lieutenant and politician, 41st President of the United States was birthed. (same birthday as David Rockefeller. Hmmm)
1929 – Anne Frank, German-Dutch author and Holocaust victim (d. 1945) was born
1932 – Jim Nabors, Sylacauga Al, actor/singer (Gomer Pyle). Born
1940 – World War II: 13,000 British and French troops surrender to Major General Erwin Rommel at Saint-Valery-en-Caux.
1942 – Holocaust: Anne Frank receives a diary for her thirteenth birthday.
1943 – Holocaust: Germany liquidates the Jewish Ghetto in Brzeżany, Poland (now Berezhany, Ukraine). 1,180 Jews are led to the city’s old Jewish graveyard and shot.
1951 – Bun E. Carlos, American drummer (Cheap Trick and Tinted Windows) was born.

1952 – Pete Farndon, English musician, Bassist (The Pretenders) (d. 14 April 1983) born

1953 – Grace Jones, Kingston Jamacia (she claims but actually 5/19/48) Born

1954 – Bill Haley’s “Rock Around the Clock” is originally released

1954 – Pope Pius XII canonises Dominic Savio, who was 14 years old at the time of his death, as a saint, making him the youngest non-martyr saint in the Roman Catholic Church.
1961 – Jim Goad, American author(Publisher of ANSWER Me!, author of The Redneck Manifesto, Shit Magnet, and Jim Goad’s Gigantic Book of Sex) Born
1962 – Ally Sheedy, [Alexandria], NYC, actress (Wargames, Breakfast Club) Born
1963 – Civil rights leader Medgar Evers is murdered in front of his home in Jackson, Mississippi by “Ku Klux Klan member” (FBI) Byron De La Beckwith.

1964 – Anti-apartheid activist and ANC leader Nelson Mandela is sentenced to life in prison for sabotage in South Africa.
1967 – The United States Supreme Court in Loving v. Virginia declares all U.S. state laws which prohibit interracial marriage to be unconstitutional.
1972 – John Lennon’s political “Sometime in NYC” released including “Woman is the Nigger of the World” “Attica State” & “Luck of the Irish”
1978 – David Berkowitz, the “Son of Sam” killer in New York City, is sentenced to 365 years in prison for six killings.
1987 – Cold War: At the Brandenburg Gate U.S. President Ronald Reagan publicly challenges Mikhail Gorbachev to tear down the Berlin Wall.
1990 – Russia Day – the parliament of the Russian Federation formally declares its sovereignty.
1991 – Russians elect Boris Yeltsin as the president of the republic.
1994 – Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman are murdered outside her home in Los Angeles, California. O.J. Simpson is later acquitted of the killings, but is held liable in wrongful death civil suit.
1997 – Queen Elizabeth II reopens the Globe Theatre in London.
1999 – Kosovo War: Operation Joint Guardian begins when a NATO-led United Nations peacekeeping force (KFor) enters the province of Kosovo in Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.
2009 – A disputed presidential election in Iran leads to wide ranging protests in Iran and around the world.
2012 – Henry Hill Jr., American mobster and FBI informant, dies from a heart condition at 69

2012 – The chemical compound NOTT-202, which is capable of selectively absorbing carbon dioxide, is created
2012 – The World Health Organization concludes that diesel exhaust causes cancer
2013 – Russia passes a law banning gay propaganda

