Dave McGowan- In His Own Words

I am sending Meria Heller a big Thank YOU for making this interview freely available to all of us.Hi Meria- from Canada!As mentioned previously, I've listened to Dave gab with Meria for many years now- So, I'm not surprised that he would speak publicly about his circumstances, very candidly, with MeriaHer show & audience would provide Dave a comfortable place to speak from.Scroll down for the link and listen for yourself-Despite the circumstances he is looking to the future- Which is good! Very good!  


Dave McGowan-In His Own Words

6/25/15 Dave McGowan talks about his cancer and treatment first person. Take a listen and choose tosubscribe today!LISTEN NOWDon't Miss from earlier today An interview that intersects with Dave McGowan's Laurel Canyon work

Very Interesting Interview! Music, Mind Control & Psychobiology Pt 1