The Crusade Against Transgender People and Drag Queens


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By Michael J. Talmo
August 16,2023
We humans have a need to feel morally superior. We revel in righteousness. We delight in moral indignation. We think that our way is the right way and that everyone else is wrong. But some carry this notion too far and try to impose what they think is right on others. They march and crusade against wickedness and sin like a hoard of angry villagers in the old Universal Frankenstein movies. In the name of God and all that is holy, they rationalize acts of cruelty and oppression. They seek positions of power where they work to undermine freedom and justice. In their warped and twisted minds, the forces of evil must be defeated by any and all means. And so what if some suffer and die along the way? To make an omelet, you have to break a few eggs.
A 2016 study in Social Psychological and Personality Science Found:
“Most people strongly believe they are just, virtuous, and moral; yet regard the average person as distinctly less so…These beliefs demand scientific attention for several reasons. For one, in contrast to other domains of positive self-belief, they likely contribute to the severity of human conflict. When opposing sides are convinced of their own righteousness, escalation of violence is more probable, and the odds of resolution are ominously low.”
Crusades against people and activities that don't conform to societal norms are a form of mass hysteria usually referred to as a moral panic. Sometimes moral panics can be limited to a community or a small area like the Salem Witch Trails of the 17th century. But like QAnon, hatred and fear of transgender people and drag queens is mass hysteria in the form of a worldwide moral panic. Like all moral panics, it takes a sliver of truth and magnifies it into a major crisis. To the paranoid mind, a grain of sand becomes a desert.
Bumper sticker biology
Last year, ant-trans bigot Matt Walsh produced a dumb documentary called What Is a Woman? It consists of Walsh traveling around asking experts and people on the street to define what a woman is. People like Walsh want simple ready-made sound bite answers. They ignore the fact that life is messy and complex. “Only God can make a tree,” “the family that prays together stays together,” “America, love it or leave it,” “always believe women,” “no means no,” etc. are left and right-wing talking points that don't represent objective reality.
So, let’s dispense with bumper sticker biology and face some facts. While there are only two reproductive cells, egg and sperm, or gametes, the religious decree that there are only two sexes, doesn’t fit into the same tidy little boxes. Sex and gender aren't binary. Instead, biological sex, like sexual orientation and gender, is a spectrum. This includes a percentage of the human race that is intersex.
For example, a man's sex chromosomes are supposed to be XY, a woman's are supposed to be XX. But there are plenty of men who have XX chromosomes and plenty of women who have XY chromosomes and don't know it. Some intersex people “may have a mix of chromosomes, such as XXY. Or they may have some cells that are XY and some cells that are XX. Or they may have just one X chromosome (XO). Other combinations can occur too.” So, if you have a married couple where the guy is macho, muscular and bearded, while the woman is petite, soft and feminine, when it comes to chromosomes, she might be the man and he might be the woman.
Despite advances in prenatal tests and anatomy scans, determining the sex of an unborn child is not 100% accurate. So, babies aren't assigned a definitive biological sex until they're born, which is based on their genitals. But intersex babies can have genitalia with both male and female characteristics. Sometimes, “a child's status as intersex doesn't become obvious until puberty, when their body produces more of a hormone that doesn't match their assigned sex.” A boy might look more feminine and a girl more masculine. “Around 2% of people worldwide have intersex traits...An estimated 1 in 100 Americans are intersex.”
Intersex people are not hermaphrodites, “since no cases have been identified of a human producing both male and female gametes.” It's “an outdated term implying that a person is both fully male and fully female, which isn't biologically possible.” This applies to all mammals and birds. Earthworms and land slugs are hermaphrodites, not people. And contrary to the ravings of anti-trans bigots, “being intersex isn't a disorder, disease, or condition.” It's just a natural variation found in nature and has nothing to do with being Transgender, an umbrella term for people who don't identify with the sex they were assigned at birth nor with being Transsexual, someone who had a partial or full sex change via hormones and surgery.
Another mistake a lot of people make is conflating sex with gender. Sex is biological, gender is how we feel about ourselves on the inside. It is our inner reality as opposed to external reality. Inner reality has to do with our taste in music, art, clothes, and what gives our lives purpose, joy, and meaning. It's our own unique essence. Inner truth is just as valid as external reality in these areas.
Simply stated: if you were born with a penis, all it means is you will always be someone who was born with a penis. If you have your penis surgically replaced with a vagina, then you will always be someone who had your penis replaced with a vagina. That's objective reality. Both are facts that you can't change. But if you feel at the core of your being that you're truly a woman, then nothing can change that fact of inner reality. No one has the right to tell you who you should be or dictate what makes you happy.
Another argument anti-trans zealots invoke, which has nothing to do with science and everything to do with bigotry, is that forensic anthropologists can determine the sex of a person by skeletal remains. Thus, the bones of transsexual women would always be identified as male, which proves they are men. Nope! Sorry Charley. A 2015 study in the Journal of Anthropology involving the examination of 20 human skeletons from unknown populations and using 15 of the best scientific methods available, concluded: “No single individual was identified as belonging to one sex exclusively.” Some forensic websites still say that skeletal remains can accurately determine sex because they aren't always up to date on the latest research. This also applies to forensic scientists.
What then is a woman? It's a word, a group of letters strung together. In Spanish, this word is mujer; in Italian, it's donna; in Swedish it's kvinna. It means exactly and precisely what you, the individual, thinks it means—nothing more and nothing less. And what I or anyone else thinks doesn't matter at all. The same applies to what I think a woman is, what Matt Walsh thinks a woman is, or what anyone else thinks a woman is. It's a non-issue. It doesn't matter folks. What matters is that we are all human beings and, as such, are entitled to be treated with respect and to live our lives as we wish to live them free of discrimination and harassment.
To quote this Facebook post: “Our world is not divided by race, color, gender, or religion. Our world is divided into wise people and fools. And fools divide themselves by race, color, gender, or religion.”
Is there really any difference?
Winston Churchill (1874-1965)  
Those that fail to learn from history are condemned to repeat it.”           

Photo on left: old Nazi propaganda image depicting Jews as a danger to children.
Photo on right: propaganda image depicting drag queens as a danger to children
Over the centuries, authoritarian bigots have been called fascists, Nazis, communists, racists, etc. But it doesn't matter. The packaging may be different and what they are railing against may be different, but the mentality is the same. With or without any knowledge of history, they will reproduce the same injustice and tyranny against their fellow humans again and again.
All of this vitriol against trans people and drag queens is just another purity crusade. Racial purity, moral purity, sexual purity, gender purity, national purity, medical purity, it's all the same nonsensical bullshit: moral eugenics, weeding out the undesirables to avoid societal contamination. It's the same kind of hatred that the Nazis under Adolf Hitler (1889-1945) ginned up against not only Jewish people, but also against gay and transgender people. Four months after Hitler became Chancellor of Germany in 1933, they shut down and burned the books of the Institute for Sexual Research, the first clinic in the world to perform modern sex change surgery starting in 1931.
On March 6, 1933, Joseph Goebbels (1897-1945), Reich Minister of Propaganda decreed: ”We must exterminate these people root and branch; the homosexual must be eliminated.” Under Nazi rule, thousands of gay men were put in prisons and concentration camps where they were forced to wear a pink triangle to identify them. Many died and many were castrated.
Last March, at the annual Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), Michael Knowles made this vicious statement: “There can be no middle way in dealing with transgenderism. It is all or nothing...for the good of society...transgenderism must be eradicated from public life entirely.”
Now, I ask you, is there really any difference?
Knowles’ convoluted logic for wanting to get rid of transgenderism is that it’s a lie and that we shouldn’t indulge lies, and because this particular lie will “take away the rights and customs of so many people.” Really? How? He also said that we should get rid of this “preposterous ideology” to deprogram the confused people who think they are trans. You know, this is really a great argument for eradicating religion from public life.
As a Catholic, Knowles is part of a religion that believes in an invisible man who lives in the sky, the first woman being created from a guy’s rib, virgin births, people rising from the dead, a global flood that covered the Earth for which there is no geological evidence, and that the Sun, Moon and stars were created after the planet Earth. And let’s not forget that his church has killed and tortured millions of people over the centuries, has thousands of pedophiles in its priesthood, and tries to force its dogma on everyone via civil law to this day. But I don’t want to get rid of his religion by force, even if it is a “preposterous ideology,” because I believe in tolerance and freedom of choice.
Nazi Germany is a chilling example of what can happen when organized hate and bigotry engulf a nation. It creates a hive mentality that brands any who stray from it worthy of extermination. Look at these two photos and ask yourself: is there really any difference?

Photo on left: Religious fanatics in Tennessee burning books on Harry Potter and Twilight, 2022.
Photo on right: Nazis buring books in Berlin, 1933. 
 The lies they tell
Since bigotry and prejudice are irrational, scaring people with lies is the only way fanatics can win. Their tactics are always the same: denounce the opposition as evil and perverted. The most effective way to do this is by claiming that children need to be protected. This is their moral high ground, their ivory tower of virtue. Protecting kids and families was used by the Nazis to carry out their agenda of mass genocide. This kind of propaganda shuts down all logic and critical thinking because of our Judeo-Christian culture's discomfort with sex.
It's impossible to cover all of the lies and propaganda that are being spewed out by transphobic bigots in a single article. I would have to write a book to do that. But I can address some of the main ones.
Worrying about who is lurking in the bathroom
Anti-trans bigots whine that if trans people could use bathrooms of the sex they identify as, male rapists and perverts could dress up as females and sexually assault women. Truth is, the bathroom predator meme is a lie. A right-wing hate group called MassResistance admitted it on their website:
“Our side concocted the bathroom safety male predator argument as a way to avoid an uncomfortable battle over LGBT ideology, and still fire up people's emotions. It worked in Houston a few years ago.”
Bigots are also quick to label trans women as bathroom predators. This kind of scare tactic isn't new. Protecting women and children in public bathrooms was used to justify racial segregation by portraying black people as “inherently animalistic” and that fragile white females wouldn't be safe. In the 1970s and 1980s, it was used to defeat the ERA (Equal Rights Amendment), claiming that passing it would lead to co-ed bathrooms along with other horrors, and that was that.
In reality, trans people have been allowed to use public bathrooms that match their gender identity in 18 US states, Washington DC, and over 200 municipalities for over 20 years in some cases. Yet, government officials and police forces reported no incidence of criminal activity. The scientific literature also refutes this lie, as reported in this study.
I think it would be a whole lot healthier if we stopped separating the sexes and made all public bathrooms and locker rooms gender neutral. I've been to naturist events over the years where the locker rooms were all gender. Adults and children saw each other nude and there was no problem. Been to lots of nude beaches too. At age 10 and under, us kids used to look at girlie magazines like Playboy that we found in the trash. We weren't harmed. There is no evidence that children are harmed by nudity or porn. I've also been to Cap d'Agde in France. It has a naturist community where you can shop, go out to dinner, or whatever, in the nude. The only reason this frightens some people is social conditioning.
As explained here, all gender bathrooms and locker rooms would be a lot safer and more convenient for everyone. Parents will be able to accompany their opposite-sex children into facilities without being hassled. People with disabilities who have opposite sex caregivers will have less chance of injury when using the bathroom. Converting guys’ and gal’s bathrooms to all gender in crowded venues like nightclubs would mean women wouldn’t have to wait in long lines to pee. And we have all gender facilities in some cities, health clubs, and colleges now.
Sexually segregated public bathrooms have only been around since the 19th century. In ancient Rome,“gender neutral” public baths and toilets “were the norm.” The bathrooms had rows of close together holes in benches with no privacy partitions, as shown here and here. After the Empire collapsed along with its sewage system, public bathrooms disappeared. It wasn't until the 1820s that they started to reappear. But due to sexist ideas, it was believed that women needed separate facilities, which has caused nothing but trouble.
For years, women who look masculine have been harassed and attacked for using public bathrooms because bigots thought they were men or transsexuals. In 2007, a woman was kicked out of a New York City restaurant for trying to use the bathroom because they thought she was a man. She sued and was awarded $35,000; in 2015, a woman was violently thrown out of a Detroit restaurant after using the ladies' room in spite of offering to show her ID and her friend vouching for her sex. She also sued; in 2022, a woman was followed into the ladies' room at a gambling casino and verbally berated by a woman who thought she was a trans.

It's impossible to tell who is and isn't trans based on appearance. Former MMA fighter Ericka Newsome, lower right in photo on left, is not transsexual. Honestly, girls, what would you think if you saw her in the ladies' bathroom? Middle photo: Transsexual actress Jamie Clayton. Would you question her gender? And if transsexuals are forced to use public bathrooms based on the sex they were assigned at birth, you might encounter this trans guy (photo on right) in the powder room.
Bathroom segregation laws threaten the safety of all women. They are discrimination based on what one appears to be rather than what one actually is. And trans people are far more likely to be the victims of bathroom violence, police violence, bullying, and sexual assault as explained here, here, here, and here. We don't need the gender police folks. Laws that are based on fear and ignorance protect no one.
Claiming that transsexual athletes are ruining women's sports
Bans on trans-female athletes are a solution looking for a problem. Anti-trans bigots not only want to ban trans-female athletes from competing in women's sports, but worse and even more cruel, ban trans girls in K-12 from engaging in sports with their peers, which, as explained here, is vital to their mental, emotional, and physical well-being along with helping them achieve better life skills. K-12 sports are not all about winning.
There are three kinds of people who object to trans women competing in sports with cis women, those who aren’t bigots, but honestly and sincerely believe that trans female athletes have the strength and speed of men and therefore have an unfair advantage; bigots who don’t really care about women’s sports and just want to makes the lives of trans people as miserable as possible; those who are a combination of the other two (cis/cisgender, someone who identifies with their sex assigned at birth—at least 97% of us).
Without any spin, here are the real facts:
Transsexual females have been competing in women’s sports for half a century. However, as reported here and here, out of a US population of around 332 million, 1.3 -1.6 million people 18 and older and 300,000 youths ages 13-17 identify as transgender. Since not all transgender people identify as women and only a small percentage seriously compete in sports, the number of trans women in pro and amateur sports has always been tiny.
Studies have been done on transsexual athletes. The best and most important study was published in the peer review journal Sports Medicine. But it wasn’t just a study. It was a systematic review, which, as shown here, is the highest level of evidence in science. It’s a painstaking thorough analysis of all the literature, which selects the best quality studies, and synthesizes the results. In other words, it looks at the big picture, which eliminates bias. Under “Conclusion” it states: “Currently, there is no direct or consistent research suggesting transgender female individuals (or male individuals) have an athletic advantage at any stage of their transition.”
An easy way to tell the aforementioned study is correct is to look at who holds the world records in various women’s sports. In every case, it’s cis women. Trans women have broken some state and regional records, but not world records. As explained in this 2023 article, in the peer review journal Science, lab studies of hemoglobin, muscle mass, and testosterone levels don’t show who can run faster, jump higher, throw farther, or who is stronger—athletic performance does.
Example: since 2004, trans athletes have been allowed to compete in the Olympics. None ever qualified until 2021, when Laurel Hubbard became the first Trans woman to make it. She competed in weightlifting and lost to 21-year-old Li Wenwen. But the strongest woman who ever lived is Becca Swanson, age 49. She holds all the world records: Bench Press – 600.8 lb, Squat – 854.3 lb, Deadlift – 683.4 lb.
All this can still be difficult to accept because of how biased media sources like Fox News spin the narrative. For example, champion swimmer and trans woman Lia Thomas stands almost 6’4 and isn’t very passable. Showing her towering over other female swimmers, featuring the sore losers who whine about losing to her, not to mention depicting her as an object of ridicule, creates the illusion that allowing her to compete is a travesty of justice. Incidentally, one of the swimming records that Thomas broke in 2022 was broken by a cis woman and former teammate in 2023.
There are also some very tall cis women. Former pro basketball player Margo Dydek (1974-2011) stood 7’2. She was the tallest female basketball player who ever lived. Look at the picture below and ask yourself if it was fair for her to compete in women’s sports. Her fellow basketball players didn’t complain. And while a great player, she didn’t make the top 20 best of all time list. Number one on that list, the best of all time, is Diana Taurasi, who stands 6′ tall. Tragically, Margo died of a heart attack at age 37 while pregnant with her third child, who also died.

 Margo Dydek 7'2
Hardcore anti-trans bigots don’t care about facts and science, so they will tell lies about trans female athletes. A good example of this was the smear campaign launched against MMA fighter Fallon Fox, the first trans woman to compete in that sport. She competed in the featherweight division from 2012-2014. She never competed as a man. Fox stands 5’6 and weighs 135-145 lbs. To gin up emotional reactions like shock and disgust, bigots referred to her as a biological man beating up women. MMA is an athletic competition between two consenting adults who are trained to beat each other up, folks. That’s what MMA fighters get paid to do.
Social media posts and right-wing podcasts claimed that Fox fractured the skull of an opponent, some claimed two opponents. This photo of a bloody female MMA fighter was touted as one of Fox’s skull fracture victims. Claims were also made that cis women had “no chance” against her. As reported in Reuters, Outsports, and Politifact, all of these claims are false.
The bloody woman photo was from a bout with another cis woman that happened in 2018, four years after Fox retired. Fox did fracture a bone around the eye of one of her opponents. But as explained here, this was an orbital fracture, not a skull fracture that sometimes happens in the male and female divisions of MMA. Bigots also altered the voice of Fox in a post-fight interview to make her sound like a man. Here is her actual feminine voice.
As for the claim that women had no chance, Fox’s MMA record is 5 wins, 1 loss. She lost via TKO to Ashlee Evans-Smith, a cis woman with a current unimpressive record of 6 wins, 5 losses. Watch the fight here and see if you still think trans women have an athletic advantage.
Labeling gender-affirming care child abuse
The cruelest part of the anti-trans agenda is banning gender-affirming care for trans children, which includes puberty blockers, hormone therapy, and surgery. Bigots claim that kids are being irreparably harmed and mutilated by these procedures, which they label “child abuse.” They even post pictures of trans boys who had breast reduction surgery shortly after the procedure because the scars and swelling will be more pronounced. So far, 19 US states have passed laws banning and restricting transgender care. This is cut-and-paste legislation created by far-right groups with names that are the opposite of what they actually stand for, such as Do No Harm.
As explained here and here, a person has to be 18 for sex reassignment surgery. This also applies to most countries in Europe. Hormone treatments to make the body more feminine or masculine typically begin at 16. But there have been extremely rare exceptions where these procedures were done earlier. Genital surgery was done on 56 US patients ages 13-17 from 2019-2021. Most likely, the majority were 16 or 17. Last year, a leading transgender health association issued new guidelines that recommend slightly lower age limits: 14 for hormone therapy and 15-17 for some surgeries, all of which require parental consent.
Puberty blockers have been around since the 1980s. In 1993, the FDA approved them for treating precocious puberty, a condition where a child enters puberty younger than 8-13 for girls and 9-14 for boys. Children are now entering puberty at earlier ages. In most cases, no one knows why. Puberty blockers are also FDA approved to treat prostate cancer and endometriosis. But since the early 1990s, they’ve been used to treat “gender dysphoria,”emotional distress caused by a feeling of being in the wrong body due to identifying as the opposite sex, which is not FDA approved. However, off-label use, prescribing an approved drug for something it wasn’t approved for, is both legal and common. Contrary to anti-trans propaganda, gender dysphoria is no longer considered a mental disorder, but if untreated by gender-affirming care, can lead to severe depression and suicide.
Recently passed state laws only prohibit puberty blockers for trans kids. Giving them to kids with precocious puberty will remain totally legal. If puberty blockers are so dangerous, why aren't they banning them for all children? And assertions that the long-term effects of puberty blockers haven't been studied are utterly false. Puberty blockers have been studied for decades and are considered safe, their effects reversible, and as reported in the Lancet, do not cause infertility.
This kind of hypocrisy also applies to gender-affirming surgery. As reported by Human Rights Watch, lawmakers also exempt, “sometimes encourage,” gender-affirming surgeries on infants and toddlers who are intersex to enforce gender conformity. These kids “are often subjected to ‘normalizing’ surgeries that are irreversible, risky, and medically unnecessary.” They can cause “scarring, loss of sensation, lifelong sexual dysfunction, urinary incontinence, psychological trauma, and permanent sterilization...these exemption clauses are in the same laws that attempt to punish performing the exact same procedures on older transgender youth who are actively requesting such care.” In other words, “these bills are about erasing bodily diversity, not protecting anyone.”
Another propaganda tactic is touring around the country with a handful of young people who are suing for damages, claiming they were coerced and victimized by the medical system into transitioning in order to justify outlawing gender-affirming care. This creates the illusion that regret is common among transsexual youth. Obviously, when it comes to any life-altering medical procedure, there will always be some who regret their decision. For example, an elderly friend of mine regrets getting a penile implant for erectile dysfunction.
As reported here, “studies indicate that only 1% to 2% of transgender individuals detransition, and that often happens because of discrimination and other social pressures, not because patients genuinely feel they have made a mistake about their gender identity.” And as anyone who sues for damages knows, in order to collect lots of money, you have to play up how badly you were traumatized, even if you weren’t.
Drag queen hysteria
Right-wingers are losing their lunch over guys dressed up as women reading stories to kids. They're equally outraged by family-friendly drag shows, which have nothing to do with Drag Story Hour, where go-go dancing occurs. Parents and kids love the drag queens. But bigots are labeling them pedophiles and groomers who are attempting to recruit children into the LGBTQ lifestyle. In the 1970s, singer Anita Bryant used the same scare tactic to repeal a Dade County, Florida ordinance “that prohibited discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation.” Naturally, the coalition she led was called “Save Our Children.”
Anti-trans bigots also demonize trans people and drag queens by sensationalizing any crimes that individuals among them commit, implying that all if them are criminals. But as shown here, plenty of priests and ministers also sexually abuse children and commit other crimes.
Exposure to other lifestyles teaches children to understand others and not fear those who are different. It teaches them not to ridicule and bully others who are different. It teaches them peaceful co-existence instead of being divided into armed camps. It also teaches children to love and accept themselves if they are different. Drag story hours and family-friendly drag shows are about eliminating hate and fear, which makes communities safer.
 Know thyself
Trans people and drag queens represent a challenge to rigid gender roles and religious taboos. But this isn't the main reason for all the hatred that's being directed at them. An anti-trans bigot on Facebook posted this video of an attractive and extremely passable crossdresser and laments that he can't trust what he sees and might have to have another woman inspect his date's genitalia. In other words, he's admitting he is attracted to transsexuals and crossdressers and that terrifies him because some of them can be totally passable.
Psychiatrist and pioneering sex researcher, Wilhelm Reich (1897-1957), wrote many books on human sexuality. He explained that our prudish culture causes children to repress and fear their sexual feelings, which also causes enormous rage that can be acted out passively or overtly. People aren’t aware of these unconscious feelings. Instead, they feel anxiety when exposed to things that trigger them. Most people will deal with this anxiety by engaging in self-destructive behavior that only affects them individually along with those closest to them. But there is a small percentage who will project their anxiety onto others and blame them for how bad they feel. Reich called this the "emotional plague."
Emotional plague characters try to avoid their painful emotions and repressed desires by eliminating excitation from their environment. They will rationalize this by labeling whatever triggers them as evil, immoral or in some way dangerous. But the only real danger is to their weak and unstable sense of self. That which they call dirty and disgusting is not in books, magazines, works of art, movies, gay Pride parades, or drag story hours: it’s in them. They rationalize that if only we could get rid of this or that everything will be okay. But the problem is in them. As the old saying goes, “wherever you go, there you are.” Or to quote Reich, “there is always desire behind a taboo.”
There are two kinds of sexually uptight bigots: naive types who are so repressed and stunted that they never got to experience much of anything; hypocrites who pretend to be morally righteous, but secretly indulge in all kinds of sex and kink. This is why countless religious leaders and politicians who condemn, vote for, and support punitive sex laws have been caught having affairs, molesting children, having gay sex, etc. Both types will rabidly defend the social order that is the real cause of how screwed up and miserable they are. They can’t stand people who are living happy lives and being true to themselves because they are incapable of doing the same. They hate and fear freedom—especially expressions of sexual freedom, because they aren’t free.
When they accuse LGBTQ people of imposing their morals on them and coming after their children, what they are really saying is “don’t make me uncomfortable by arousing feelings in me that I don’t want to feel.” And, of course, it is them who are imposing their morality on the LGBTQ community by getting punitive laws passed. They are the ones who crash drag story hours and protest gay Pride events. I don’t recall hearing about any drag queens showing up at churches to protest religion.
Emotional plague bigots are oblivious to the harm that they inflict. They exhibit many of the classic traits of narcissistic personality disorder and antisocial personality disorder. In other words, they lack empathy and compassion for others. Example: this month, ABC News reported that parents of trans children are fleeing states like Texas due to laws that threaten to take their kids away from them. The comments section was filled with nothing but hate. There was no understanding, nor even an attempt to understand, what it’s like to have a child with gender dysphoria and to have to uproot your life and move to another state.
People like the aforementioned bigots only care about their rights and their freedom. They want to disrespect and mock trans people, but expect everyone to genuflect and pay homage to their feelings and beliefs. They accuse trans people of wanting special rights when they are the ones who want special rights. For example, they don’t want freedom of religion, they want religious superiority, which is why, in America, In God We Trust” is on our money and “under God” is in the Pledge of Allegiance. There was no mention of God originally.
Emotional plague bigots can also be downright paranoid. They see dark evil plots everywhere and conflate things that are totally unrelated, such as claiming that “transsexualism” is a form of transhumanism. Wrong! Transhumanism is the view “that biological evolution will eventually be overtaken by advances in genetic, wearable and implantable technologies.” It’s Klaus Schwab, head of the World Economic Forum, who is talking about everyone having brain implants so he can monitor their emotions. Some trans women, like lots of other women, just want breast implants. The only thing “transsexualism” has in common with transhumanism is the prefix trans.
What makes emotional plague bigots especially dangerous is that they can tap into the fear, anger, and pain of masses of people and create moral panics. They make sweeping incorrect statements that create the illusion that they know what they’re talking about. Since most people don’t like to think or study an issue and just go along with the party, religion, nation or group they identify with, sound bite answers to complex issues are more attractive and validate their prejudices. Superficial talking points are mistaken for knowledge, moral condemnation is mistaken for reason and common sense, bigotry and paranoia are mistaken for trusting one’s gut, fears are mistaken for facts, faith is mistaken for evidence.
Last year, CBS News reported that Christianity is declining and in a few decades may no longer be the majority religion. Since the wrath of God argument isn’t as persuasive anymore, puritanical bigots have to quadruple down on the protect-the-kids argument. It’s all they got folks. Without it, they’re nothing. I think this is one of the reasons why attacks on trans people and drag queens have become so vicious: they are highly visible targets and make convenient scapegoats. If people ever get wise to the fact that they are being conned out of their freedom and reject the pervasive cultural myth that children need to be protected from seeing, hearing, and knowing about anything sexual, they’re toast. It’s game over, done, finished, period, ended, sayonara, over and out.
This is the hill we must take. Without the protecting kids’ argument, these emotional plague bigots will be exposed for what they really are: a bunch of sexually repressed neurotic busybodies. Their political clout will be gone. All they will have left is their moral outrage. Make no mistake: unless the masses of the world stop buying into the protect-the-kids nonsense, these obnoxious emotional pests will never go away. They will never give up, and they will keep coming back.…