The Criminal Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement Has Been Signed! The TPP Is THE Most Brazen Corporate Power Grab In History.

I take a day off yesterday and all hell breaks loose.... Yes, while most Americans and Canadians have had their brains filled with the lies about this "Zika virus" scare that is indeed a fraud, and while others have been brainwashed by all the propaganda over the Jew spew media these last few days concerning the "Super Bowl" football game this Sunday, the criminals in charge of our governments signed away our rights and freedoms just a few days ago in New Zealand with the passage of the horrific "Trans Pacific Partnership" (TPP for short)...Sadly, most people are still in the dark when it comes to the horrible details about this TPP "agreement"... It is a travesty for all of our nations....With the stroke of a pen, the criminals in charge have surrendered our rights and freedoms to criminal corporations!To help understand the full details about this "TPP" agreement and what it entails for everyone.. I want to turn to the following article from the Investment Watch Blog website, at, that is entitled: "The TPP Is The Most Brazen Corporate Power Grab In History"... I have that article link right here for everyone to read for themselves, and I have my further thoughts and comments to follow: NTS Notes:  I have read this report and again from what I have already seen in the details about this TPP 'agreement', it is indeed a travesty for everyone!I again must point out one fact that has been overlooked by everyone and done purposely... Most of the major points and details about this TPP "agreement" have been kept out of the public eye and kept secret.... It therefore is not rocket science to ask... "If this agreement is so great, then WHY the secrecy?"....The fact is that our nations are indeed run by criminals and do not have the best interests of their own citizens in mind... Major corporations are now totally in control of our governments and absolutely run our politicians like sock puppets... These corporations were the driving force behind the passage of this horrendous TPP "agreement" due to the fact that this horrendous "agreement" makes these corporations our masters and we their slaves....And yes, even the leader of Canada, Justin Trudeau, went to New Zealand this week to partake in the signing of this "agreement" that will strip away the rights of Canadian citizens and make corporations our gods.... Trudeau is also nothing more than a sock puppet for major Canadian corporations just like all of our other criminal leaders....I am indeed still waiting for the public outcry that will occur once everyone finally gets wind of the full details about this most horrendous agreement... And I can guarantee that when everyone finally understands that they have now been turned into slaves, it will indeed be too late to do anything.....  Sadly, thanks to this agreement, we are indeed now nothing more than slaves and minions to corporate interests...More to comeNTS