Crimean Parliament: Neo-Nazis Plan To Seize Power In Ukraine

January 22, 2014
Crimean parliament blames Ukrainian opposition leaders for bloodshed in Kyiv
SIMFEROPOL: Crimean parliamentarians have blamed opposition leaders for the bloodshed in Kyiv, saying they will not give Crimea to extremists and neo-Nazis who are looking to seize power in the country.
“The political crisis, the formal pretext for which there was a pause in Ukraine’s European integration, has developed into armed resistance and street fights. Hundreds of people have been hurt and, unfortunately, some people have been killed. The price for the power ambitions of a bunch of political saboteurs – Klitschko, Yatsenyuk, and Tyagnibok – is too high. They have crossed the line by provoking bloodshed, using the interests of the people of Ukraine as a cover and pretending to act on their behalf,” Supreme Council of Crimea said in statement on the political situation in Ukraine adopted at its emergency session. Seventy-eight of the 81 deputies voted for the statement.
The statement says European officials who previously condemned the activities of the all-Ukrainian association Svoboda and expressed concerns about the arrival of nationalists in the Ukrainian parliament “have now united in unnatural ‘political love’ with Ukrainian neo-Nazis and their allies to ‘be friends’ against Russia.”
“On behalf of the people of Crimea who elected us, we are saying that we will not give Crimea to extremists and neo-Nazis who are looking to seize power in Ukraine by dividing the country! The people of Crimea will never engage in illegitimate elections, will never recognize their results, and will not live in a ‘Bandera’ Ukraine! We are full of determination to defend the historical choice that was made at a referendum on the issue of the restoration of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea 23 years ago,” the statement says.
