The COVID-19 Hoax: Manitoba Official COVID-19 Report For Wednesday, September 30th, 2020: 40 New Cases, Zero Real Deaths From This "Virus" - The Scam Continues!

I am still getting the odd comment and email asking WHY I 'waste my time' with these daily reports?  I honestly have to say to them "Are you kidding me?  The criminals' official "numbers" for Manitoba alone absolutely exposes the entire fraud!"... Therefore I am continuing to use this province as my prime example to show that we are indeed dealing with a massive scam!  I also have hoped by this time that OTHER real truth seekers would be filing their own reports about their own states, or provinces, to show the manipulation of their numbers, and thus expose the entire scam-demic, where they live! I just got today's "Manitoba Official COVID-19 report" from those pricks in charge of fucking up this province so badly with their scam... And once again we find more 'cases' but ZERO real deaths from this supposedly 'deadly virus'.....All their 'numbers' do is prove that this virus is killing no one, and that there is NO 'second wave' and that they are pumping up the 'numbers' via the scandalous and totally fraudulent 'PCR tests' and spewing out the fear and panic in people via the Jewish controlled media outlets in this province....OK, onto those 'numbers' coming from these scoundrels.. And once again I will break them down in alphabetic order right here for everyone to analyze for themselves:(a) Now there is a grand total of '1993' cases for 28 full weeks since the criminals in charge unleashed their 'state of emergency' declaration back in mid-March... This is an increase of '40' cases from yesterday's grand total of '1953' cases...(b) Now there are '13' cases of this 'deadly virus' in all of Manitoba's hospitals, and '7' of those '13' cases are in Intensive Care Units at those hospitals as well... This is a drop of '1' case in both the overall number of hospital cases  and those in the ICU unites, from yesterday's total of '13' cases in the hospitals along with '7' sitting in ICU units as well..(c) STILL ONLY '20' deaths that they are still trying to attribute to this 'deadly virus', but the reality is that ALL '20' deaths were caused by serious underlying health issues that each victim suffered from .(d) Now there are '1374' recovered cases in the last 28 weeks since the state of emergency was declared... This is an increase of '47' recovered cases from yesterday's total of '1327' recovered cases..(e) Now there are '599' active cases of this 'deadly virus' in all of Manitoba, which is a drop of '7' active cases from yesterday's total of '606' active cases... And ALL of these 'active cases' are suspect at best as they have been derived from the FRAUDULENT "PCR tests"!As expected, they are continuing to have problems keeping the 'recovered cases' number held back as long as they can, for the fact that ALL cases do eventually fully recover.... But with more suckers and retards lining up like sheep as I have been seeing for weeks now, they may still pump up the active cases number from the fraud 'false positive' results from those tests!OK, time again to take a more closer look at  each of their 'numbers' as I always do... And once again I want to present my own assessment of each 'number' in the same alphabetical order as listed above right here:(a) NO surprise that they are continuing to push up this 'total cases' number as their propaganda stunt to create the illusion that there is this 'deadly virus' out there.. But they are continuing to fail so miserably due to the fact that this '1993' number for 28 full weeks time for any illness is a joke... Tens of thousands of Manitobans suffer all the time from REAL respiratory illnesses during ANY 28 week period of time in this province, and yet people will believe that this '1993' figure makes for a 'deadly pandemic'?   Pathetic and moronic indeed...(b) And once again the pricks in charge miss the boat with this one... If they are ever wanting to scare the crap out of the suckers out there, they have to have at LEAST a few hundred suckers sitting in the hospitals and call them all 'COVID-19' cases... But instead they keep manipulating this number with just a pathetic few thrown into the hospitals for 'good measure' to create the illusion that our 'brave health care workers' are somehow 'fighting this deadly disease' that in itself is such a joke.... "13" cases in the hospitals with this 'deadly virus'  is an insult to anyone's intelligence...(c) AGAIN and as always THIS is the only 'number' that anyone should be concerned about.. And the fact remains that NOBODY is actually dying FROM this supposedly 'deadly virus' as each and every one of these '20' victims had severe health issues already and/or were elderly with a multitude of health problems.... Therefore the REAL number of 'deaths' from this supposedly 'deadly virus' for Manitoba alone is most probably ZERO!(d) I have to laugh when I see the criminals' ridiculous and clear manipulation of this 'recovered cases' number.... They tried for the last week to keep this number as low as possible to pump up the active cases number, but now they absolutely have to admit that everyone is actually recovering fully from this supposedly 'deadly virus'..... IMHO, the real number of 'recovered cases' for this province alone is probably much higher than what they are reporting here...(e) Just like in (d) they are still trying to keep this 'active cases' number pumped up as high as they can to generate the fear and panic in the suckers out there.. But they are failing miserably as the facts are that everyone is recovering from this deadly virus, AND the fact that their 'active cases' number is a fraud in the first place as it has been derived from the fraud "PCR tests"!   I am once again standing behind my statement that most probably NOBODY in Manitoba is actually suffering from this 'deadly virus' at all!OK, once again we see the manipulation and fraud in all its glory... But all I see in the Jewish controlled media these days is the fear porn that we are now in this 'second wave' of this 'deadly health crisis' that is such a lie.....The facts that they are getting ALL of their 'cases' from the fraud PCR tests, and that nobody is actually dying from this 'deadly virus' at all speaks for themselves...Now 28 weeks into this fraud here in Manitoba, and no signs of the ending of this fraud any where in sight... The criminals in the Pallister regime are definitely in this for the long haul and have received their marching orders from the evil bastards in overall charge of this fraud world wide, obviously, and are willing to destroy the lives of the people here that stupidly voted them into office in return!I am deeply ashamed of the people here in Manitoba for not waking up by this time to this scam... And what of course really irks me is how the Pallister criminals are getting away with this and causing the real deaths of so many that have swallowed this scam-demic fear porn and have sadly taken their lives through suicides..... THAT is why I keep emphasizing in these reports that we must not let those fuckers in charge escape justice for the lives they have destroyed, and hanging them all is way too good a sentence for ALL of them IMHO...More to comeNTS