The COVID-19 Hoax: Manitoba Official COVID-19 Report For Wednesday, October 7th, 2020: Three More Deaths? All Were Elderly And/Or With Other Severe Health Issues, But They Are Still Calling Them "Death By COVID-19"

 Yes, I am back.... It has been hell for the last week as I was forced to move over to "Wordpress" for my last dozen articles, and I had a real hard time working with the settings at that blog site.... I will continue to keep my Wordpress site open at for the time being as my back up site just in case they try again to 'censor' me here at Blogger...I was indeed out and about earlier today, and I had to go to "Costco" for some larger items... But what I saw was a living hell as everyone was not only forced to wear 'face diapers' to enter that premise, but there was a line up of sheep for the entranceway that went 1/2 way through the damn parking lot area as well!  And when I did get inside, I could not believe all of the signage of 'maintaining social distancing' plastered everywhere as well as watching the dumb ass sheep walk around with glazed eyes and so fearful of their fellow human beings... This is what our society has turned into thanks to this scam-demic lie, and sadly things are only going to get worse!Meanwhile.. I just got today's "Official Manitoba COVID-19 report" and the criminals are screaming that we have '3 more deaths' for this province that they are falsely claiming are due to this 'deadly virus'... But upon further review, we find that ALL THREE of these new 'deaths' had OTHER severe health issues and/or were very elderly to boot!... Thus here we go again with their lies and falsehoods about their 'death count'....OK, Onto today's numbers... And as usual I have them broken down here in alphabetical order as I always do for everyone to analyze for themselves:(a) Now there is a grand total of '2278' cases of this 'deadly virus' in the now 29 full weeks since the criminals in charge here in Manitoba issued their 'state of emergency' declaration back in mid-March.. This is an increase of '32' total cases from yesterday's total of '2246' cases...(b) Now, and strangely, there are '25' total cases in all of Manitoba's hospitals, and '6' out of that '25' hospital cases are in the Intensive care units as well... This is a  decline of '3' hospital cases from yesterday's total of "28" hospital cases, and a decline of '1' case in the ICU units from yesterday's total of '7' ICU cases...(c) Now there are '27' total deaths that they are attributing to this "deadly virus" in the full 29 weeks since their state of emergency declaration back in mid-March... This is an increase of '3' deaths from yesterday's total of '24' deaths in that time frame.. AND of course ALL of these 'deaths' ALL had underlying severe health issues that were the REAL CAUSE of their demise...(d) Now there are '1448' recovered cases of this 'deadly virus' for the entire 29 weeks time... This is an increase of only '7' recovered cases from yesterday's total of '1441' recovered cases for that entire time frame as well..(e) Now there are '803' active cases claimed by these criminals in charge for all of Manitoba.. This is an increase of "22" active cases from yesterday's total of '781' active cases... And of course ALL of these 'active cases' are suspect at best as they are ALL derived from the fraudulent PCR tests that gives nothing else but 100% false positive results at all times....Well... I guess the criminals in charge are now working on pumping up the 'death toll' after spending the last couple of weeks pumping up the 'numbers' to create the illusion of a 'second wave' hitting this province... But of course the 'death toll' number is a fraud in itself as each and every death so far in this province for the last 29 weeks were ALL caused by other severe health issues that each victim suffered from!OK, Time to do my due diligence once again and tear each of their numbers above to shreds... And of course I will do so in the same 'alphabetical order' as posted above, right here:(a) Honestly, no matter how you slice it, this '2278' number for a 29 week time frame is  a pathetic excuse for even an 'epidemic' rather than this fraud 'pandemic'.... If there was a REAL 'deadly virus' out there causing havoc to Manitoba, this number would easily be in the TENS OF THOUSANDS, and not this laughable '2278' total number.... And I must repeat it here as a reality check for everyone, that over the last 29 weeks alone the number of those who have contracted a REAL respiratory illness such as Pneumonia, the common cold, Tuberculosis, and even Influenza, is easily multiple times greater than this pathetic '2278' number!  Pandemic?  No fucking way!(b) This to me is strange.. After trying to pump up the 'hospital cases' over the last few days to create the illusion that the hospitals are somehow fighting this 'deadly virus', they let the number slide down a bit.... But of course each and every one of these 'hospital cases' is nothing but a lie, as all these criminals are doing is to take a few false 'positive' results coming from the fraud 'PCR tests' and throwing them into the hospitals to pump up this number!  Pathetic? Absolutely!(c) Yes, the fear porn from the Jewish controlled media is at it once again today screaming that Manitoba has '3 more deaths!!" from this 'deadly virus'.. .But upon further review and checking the actual deaths, we find that each new death had VERY severe health issues already and/or were extremely elderly.... And therefore when we take a closer look at ALL '27 deaths' that these lying sacks of shit claim are from this 'deadly virus' we find the same pattern all the time!  All this does is prove the fact that NO ONE here in Manitoba is really dying from this 'deadly virus' at all!(d) This is one of THE WORSE manipulation of this 'recovered cases' number that I have seen in quite some time... To claim ONLY '7' recovered cases in the past 24 hours proves that they are purposely keeping this number held down as much as they can to pump up the 'active cases' number... I will bet anything that we will see this number 'jump up' dramatically very shortly as ALL 'active cases' always do fully recover from this 'deadly virus'.. Those that do 'die' actually succumb to OTHER health issues!(e) Just like in (d), manipulation at its finest for these pricks in charge... Every one of these '803' active cases were derived from the fraudulent PCR tests that gives nothing more than FALSE POSITIVE results always.. .Therefore we can only conclude that every one of these 'active cases' does NOT have this 'deadly virus' at all!  Well... What else can I say?   It does sadden me to read further into their 'official report' and see that some '2395' of THE most stupidest people imaginable living here in Manitoba let the false fear grip them to the point that they stupidly went out and lined up to be 'tested' by that fraud 'PCR tests" in the last 24 hours alone.... These RETARDS, and yes I will not back down from calling them RETARDS,  are indeed nothing but brain dead fools and morons that are simply too stupid to live!So what happens next for the criminals in charge of this sham here in Manitoba?  Word has it that the Pallister criminals are 'considering' reimposing more heavier restrictions and 'laws' on the innocent people of this province, and thus further destroy what is left of Manitoba's economy in the process... But as I stated in the last few reports over at 'Wordpress', they have their 'marching orders' and were probably paid off handsomely for running this entire scam and fucking this province up royally in the process...Thus once again we have this scam continuing now into the 30th week since the fuckers in charge decided to destroy this province and its people..... And I cannot help but to reiterate here that we must honour and remember those who have sadly taken their lives through suicides thanks to this scam, by making sure these criminals do NOT escape the justice due to them for destroying those lives... I am absolutely sticking to my guns when I say I want to see ALL of the Pallister criminals HANGING for this horrendous crime against humanity in this province!More to comeNTS