The COVID-19 Bullshit: Vancouver British Columbia Protests Against This Bullshit Pandemic And Lock Down!

I was alerted several days ago by my fellow Canadian real truth seeker, Greencrow, who of course writes the excellent blog "Greencrow As The Crow Flies" at, that there was going to be a large protest happening yesterday in Vancouver British Columbia against this fraud COVID-19 pandemic and bullshit "Lock down" that has indeed stripped so many of our rights and freedoms away from all Canadian citizens.... Now, I want to present a video of that protest march through the heart of Vancouver for everyone to see for themselves... Here is that video, and I do have my usual thoughts and comments to follow:NTS Notes: I am absolutely so proud of Greencrow and the other Canadians living in Vancouver that showed the courage and the ability to get out yesterday and march for freedom and liberty!  Greencrow did march in that protest march carrying her "nordic war" sign that also now includes an anti-vaccination symbol...It is so sad however to see so many stupid and idiotic numb skulls out there that went to that protest march and hurled eggs and other garbage at the marchers......Yes, people are indeed fearful.. And that fear has been driven by false information, lies, and pure propaganda that has brainwashed people into the false belief that this 'virus' is somehow real....  But people are truly now waking up and wondering if this "pandemic" has been absolutely overblown and that there is a hidden agenda  behind all of it... That awakening is happening right now and showed itself yesterday in Vancouver..One other note... Vancouver citizens have indeed shown the guts to come out and protest against this fraud pandemic... Sadly, there have been no such protest marches happening as of yet in some of the major centers such as Toronto that are so dearly needed.....And here in Winnipeg, such protest marches are basically forbidden thanks to the fucking criminal Pallister regime that had quickly and quietly passed a "law" over a month ago forbidding gatherings anywhere in this province of greater than 10 people.. Therefore there can be NO protest march here which is truly sad for if there was one I would be there in a heartbeat!More to comeNTS