The COVID-19 Bullshit! Respiratory Doctor Comes Out Stating It Is All A FRAUD! MUST SEE Video.

Well, the number of "COVID-19 cases" in Manitoba rose by a grand total of 1 today, giving us a 'frightening total' of '254' cases in total, and where some "144" have now "recovered... And the criminal Health regime for this province announced today that one more "victim" has died while in hospital, but after doing some further checking that one patient had some "underlying illness" once again (Imagine my shock!) and that means he/she most probably succumbed to THAT illness and not this fraud "virus".....What also is not being told is that we now have a grand total of 94 "victims" still under quarantine or "self isolation"... Yes, my readers here in Manitoba, we must all 'PANIC' and continue with the fraud of social distancing since there are some 94 supposed "victims" out there (and the number is steadily falling..), meaning that this is a real "Pandemic" (sarcasm of course..)..... So again, I ask why in the fuck the criminal Pallister regime is continuing with this fraud lock down? The danger if there ever once was is LONG PAST, and people should be allowed to return to a form of "normalcy".... However that same regime's ass clown "health minister" has had the NERVE today to claim that the 'state of emergency" should be extended to "May 18th" from May 1st, and then "re-evaluated" then!  Honestly, readers, this is such unmitigated BULLSHIT!Meanwhile, I was alerted just a while ago by my fellow Canadian real truth seeker, Greencrow, to a new video that she has up at her site at, where apparently a Respiratory Doctor from somewhere in the United States (He is trying to protect his innocence, for I can guarantee if the hospital that he works in saw what he was doing, he would be fired!) has come flat out and is showing that this entire "pandemic" is indeed a fraud!  Here in fact is that video right here for everyone to see for themselves, and I do have my own thoughts and comments to follow:NTS Notes: I once again want to thank Greencrow for bringing this one to my attention...Yes, this video is indeed a bombshell and shows once again REAL FACTS about this fraud Pandemic, and not the BS STILL being pushed by the liars in the Jew spew media and our governments....I admire this man for having the courage to come forward to speak the truth... He is risking his career by doing what he is doing, but the truth has to be told....And we cannot help but notice the "respirators" all neatly lined up behind him and NOT being used at all... This flies in the face of all the Jew spew media reports claiming that hospitals had this 'shortage' of respirators when everywhere that I have seen in videos and reports they are absolutely NOT!Please spread this video to others, for I can guarantee it will not be up for too long as the criminals want to crush anyone that comes forward with the truth about this fraud "pandemic".This is a WAR for our very future, everyone... Sadly, We are fighting now against the brainwashed masses who are useless in this war and will enjoy their enslavement if we fail....  BUT this is a war that we must win, or our very future will be destroyed.More to comeNTS