The COVID-19 Bullshit: More Exposure Of The Fraud Of Vaccinations - James Fetzer Interviews Dr Judy Mikovits

I have long had respect for Dr James Fetzer, especially in his long standing fight against the criminals that have for the last 7+ years continued to push their "Sandy Hook mass shootings were real" fraud... James Fetzer has put out a lot of reports exposing that fraud, along with some other key exposures of the lies of our history including the fraud Apollo moon landings.... I was just alerted earlier today by another great real truth seeker "WW3Zionism" who of course writes his own blog over at, that Dr James Fetzer had on his "real deal" show last week none other than Dr Judy Mikovits who to me is a real hero in this fight against vaccines and vaccinations...... I actually listened to the entire interview and the subsequent callers calling in, and I do want to share the link to that show right here for my own readers to listen for themselves.... And as usual, I have further thoughts and comments to follow: Notes: First I want to once again give kudos to "WW3Zionism" for finding this amazing interview... It is indeed a must listen by everyone to fully understand the TRUTH about this COVID-19 bullshit and of course about how truly evil "vaccinations" really are..It is great to hear Dr Judy Mikovits lay it all out and explain how she and her career was basically destroyed by the criminals that want their heinous vaccines pushed on all of us......I have been an "anti-vaxxer" now for decades, and I too have grown in my own learning about how truly diabolical those chemicals truly are..... The facts are the more you learn the more you understand the importance of absolutely refusing any 'vaccinations" period!I was also in a Skype conversation just last night with my very good colleague, John Kaminski, who of course has also been writing extensively about the fraud of vaccinations and has been looking deep into the links between radio waves and so called 'epidemics'... And he left me with a major quandary that I will investigate and will ask my own readers as well:  "Is there any real evidence that vaccines have actually cured any diseases at all?" ...THAT is in fact the multi-trillion dollar question, and I have been looking earlier today for any links to any reports that show definitive proof that any disease has actually been cured by vaccines!  I know that our so called books are filled with reports about how 'Smallpox' and other "diseases" were 'eradicated' by "vaccines", but considering how vaccines are frauds in themselves and actually promote those diseases, it would make sense that those reports are fraudulent and not backed up with any truth at all...  I therefore am continuing my research.....And once again I do hope that everyone gets the message here and NEVER EVER accepts the entire idea of "mandatory vaccinations"..... Our lives and our very futures are definitely at stake here..More to comeNTS