The COVID-19 Bullshit: Manitoba Official COVID-19 Report For Thursday, August 20th, 2020: 33 New Cases.. But No Real Deaths From This "Virus"... The Beat Goes On!

I continue to be absolutely amazed at the sheer ignorance and stupidity of people that I see in my daily rounds, especially  in regards to wearing fucking face diapers!  It has been tremendously HOT these last few days here in Manitoba, and yet even in that heat wave I see people wearing face masks... I can only imagine the amount of sweat and perspiration that these dumb ass fuckers are getting on their faces as a result of the heat alone.... And the bacteria build up?  That makes me cringe......Anyways.. Onto the business at hand... And those ugly fuckers in the Manitoba government just released their daily bullshit "Manitoba Official COVID-19 report", and once again we have more SUCKERS that they have added to their overall tally thanks to that ludicrous PCR testing, that everyone must know by now is absolutely invalid and always gives false positive results.... If you do not believe me, check out the article about the invalidity of the PCR tests that I posted just yesterday!Well... Here are their "official numbers" that they just released... And I have them of course in alphabetical order here for all to see for themselves:(a) Now "798" total cases in the 21+ weeks since the 'state of emergency' was declared for Manitoba back in mid-March... This is an increase of '33' from yesterday's report of "796" cases....(b) NO shock to me that they have NOT released the 'figures' for the hospitals for today.. I do suspect that they are working at 'manipulating' these numbers and did not have them ready for today's report.. I will update this report if and when those numbers are released..(c) STILL only '12' deaths for the entire 21+ weeks since the start of the lockdown of this province.. NO change since yesterday, and ALL '12' deaths had underlying issues involved with each....(d) Now there are '537' recovered cases, which is an increase of '9' from yesterday's report of '528' recovered cases for the entire 21+ week time frame..(e) Now there are '247' active cases, and ALL of these cases come from that fraud "PCR testing" that is now proven to be invalid and gives false positive readings for ALL those claimed to be carrying this 'deadly virus'..Yes, there you go... More manipulation of the figures as they are once again upping the active case count through the ludicrous "PCR tests" and suppressing the "recovered' cases as long as possible... Obviously being done for the continuing propaganda of FEAR...Now of course I will look at each of their 'numbers' and rip them to shreds here as I always do:(a) I cannot harp enough that '798' for a 21+ week time frame is not "pandemic" numbers at all.... Everyone should be asking themselves and these criminals involved as to WHERE exactly are all of the supposed "victims" of this 'deadly virus'?    And again, I must repeat that a REAL 'pandemic' would have had tens of THOUSANDS of victims for this province of 1.35 Million residents alone in that 21+ week time frame..(b) Waiting on these 'numbers' from these scoundrels... But I do not doubt at all that these numbers for those in hospitals is being heavily manipulated now.... And of course they have to do that, for if there are no 'victims' in the hospitals, people would be properly and intelligently asking 'if this is a pandemic, where are the hospital patients?'.....(c) Still ONLY "12" deaths from this supposedly 'deadly virus' in a 21+ week time frame is such a horrible joke... People must know that in a 21+ week time frame, more people have died in Manitoba alone from gun violence, and even falling down!  And yet you lock up a province for 12 deaths in 21+ weeks??  And I have to repeat here that EVERY ONE of these '12 deaths' are NOT from this 'deadly virus' as they all had serious health issues already, and the majority were also very elderly to boot!(d) More manipulation of the numbers apparent here... The last few days they had to release a lot of their 'active patients' into the recovered category simply because NONE of them had this 'deadly virus' at all... And the fact does still remain that NOBODY actually ever dies from this 'deadly virus' but in fact DO recover completely!...But the manipulation will definitely continue to again sell the fear mongering...(e) As expected, they are propping up this 'active patient' count through further manipulation as well as taking many of the idiotic SUCKERS that are stupid enough to go for that horrendous "PCR testing" and claim them to be 'positive'.... The reality remains that almost ALL of these "active patients" absolutely do NOT have this 'deadly virus' at all!Well, there you go... As I had expected they are continuing to add to their active cases count, but NOBODY is actually 'dying' from this 'deadly virus' at all.... And we see this same type of numbers game being played not only here in Manitoba but across Canada and around the world as well.... It is indeed a sick and twisted game being played on gullible people out there..And again, I continue to be so disgusted at the Pallister criminal government here in Manitoba that continues to promote the fear propaganda along with the Jewish controlled media outlets.... And as I have said for the last while, they are also slowly but surely bringing in their 'face mask' legislation, which I find to be so ghastly and horrendous......AND I cannot stop thinking about all of those sad people out there that were so heavily brainwashed by the consummate lies, that they went out and took their own lives through suicides... As many readers have told me, we will probably never know the exact number of these horrible deaths, but I can only estimate it to be in the hundred range by now for Manitoba alone in the last 21+ weeks.... I absolutely want to make sure that Brian Pallister and his cronies do NOT escape justice for this crime, and I am sticking to my guns in stating that having all of those criminal bastards hanged for these deaths is way too good for all of them!More to comeNTS