Is This The Coup In America? Are US Troops On Russian Border To Possibly Start A War Before President Drumpf's Inauguration?

Over the last while while most people have been asleep via the Jew spew media with their fraud reports on the shooting hoaxes in Fort Lauderdale Florida, Istanbul Turkey, and even the fraud "truck attack" in Berlin, Germany, very quietly the criminals in the outgoing Soetoro regime have been working in cooperation with the criminals in the Rothschild controlled NATO organization to rapidly move a lot of men and military ordinance to the Russian Federation border.... This rapid build up of force has been reported by these LIARS as a "means to combat Russian aggression"....But since the Russian Federation has absolutely NOT been aggressive with anyone, while the US has long been the real aggressor, I do wonder if something much more sinister is afoot!Right now, I want to share with my own readers a most interesting report that comes from the SHTF website, at, that brings forward the question" "Is This The Coup In America? "US Troops On Russian Border" To Start War Before Inauguration"... This is a must read by everyone and clearly should alert everyone that something serious is being planned before that outgoing criminal, Barry Soetoro,, is forced out of office by the 20th of January..... Here is the link to that article here for everyone to see for themselves... And of course I have my own thoughts and comments to follow: Notes: I have been watching all the real reports via the alternative media over this last while about this massive movement of force to the Russian border, and I too have been asking what the hell these maniacs have planned?Lets be honest here...Barry Soetoro and his cronies absolutely wanted that hideous and evil witch, Hillary Killary Clinton in the White House, and they will stop at nothing but to make incoming President Drumpf's first term in office a living hell... They may indeed force this war and invoke the US war clauses in their own constitution and therefore "delay" President Drumpf from getting in the White House by a declaration of martial law....As I stated before, what we may be watching is these lunatics actually launching a war against Russia on false pretext and therefore 'gift' Drumpf with a nice little global war.....But to do so would definitely require a new 'false flag' to vilify Russia and to persuade the American people that their only course of action is war..... BUT they have failed so far, and I can guarantee that President Vladimir Putin of Russia will NOT bite no matter how many troops are aligned on his border.... It is my hope that Putin does the smart thing and just sits by and waits until Drumpf is finally in the White House as of the 21st of this month...The big problem that I see here is that these forces that have been "rushed" to the Russian border are only numbering in the thousands along with their supporting equipment... There is NO way in hell that they can in any means invade the Russian Federation.... It is therefore very possible that they are using those forces to try to "provoke" the Russians and get their nice little war going through the use of such provocation... That provocation could also be in the form of a new 'false flag' to once again claim that the Russians were the aggressors!THIS is therefore a warning that there may indeed be a brand new false flag coming this week that the American government will try to blame on Russia...... And if it does happen it will dwarf all of this ridiculous "Russia Hacking" bullshit that we have been seeing over the last while... Be weary America, for it may be coming...More to comeNTS