Correa’s appeal rejected by Ecuadorian court

The Criminal Court of the National Court of Justice of Ecuador announced Monday that they were refusing Correa’s appeal of a ‘preventive detention order’ processed at the beginning of the month. Former Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa is being accused of participating in a failed kidnapping attempt of an opposition leader, Fernando Balda, back in 2012. On these accusations, the National Justice Court of Ecuador has approved a request from the Chief Prosecutor’s office to place the accused, Correa, in preventive detention. Correa’s defense filed for the appeal for the former President.
Following Correa’s final term as the President of Ecuador, his successor, Correa’s former Vice President and ally,  elected to take the country in a different direction, one that is diametrically opposed to that of Correa’s policies. Now that Correa is no longer in the chief political office, and the opposing right wing party is now in charge, Correa, who led a leftist government critical of American interventionism in South America, is being sought out for arrest on charges that have, so far, no substantiation.
Telesur reports

The Criminalts Court of the National Court of Justice (CNJ) of Ecuador rejected Monday the appeal of a preventive detention order, filed by the defense of former President Rafael Correa, the Attorney General’s Office informed today.
In this way, the court ratifies the precautionary measure requested by the Prosecutor’s Office and ordered by the judge of the courtroom, Daniela Camacho, on July 4.
Few days after a judge approved the preventive detention earlier in July for the former president, thousands of his supporters took to the streets of Quito to denounce the decision and slam the government of Lenin Moreno.
Correa reacted on Twitter, thanking “all the national and international support.” “Although the situation in my homeland is heart-breaking, I have the peace of mind that comes from the certainty that so many abuses and defamation will be torn down soon enough, and that along with our people, we shall be victorious.”
In a recent interview with teleSUR, the former head of state said that the current economic policies were driving the country to “disaster.”

While Ecuador was once a place where refugees from American political persecution could seek asylum, it is now taking the opposite route and becoming another nation aiding and abetting Washington’s foreign policy. Now there are two major political refugees in danger of facing political persecution from the Americans vicariously through Ecuador, Julian Assange and Rafael Correa.
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