The Corona Virus Hysteria: Strange Make Up Of Virus Indicates It May Indeed Be Man-made!

I have been bombarded recently with so many idiotic "comments" (most of which I have not published..) screaming that the Coronavirus is indeed a "pandemic" and that it may wipe out some or most of the world's population.... I will not adhere to that insanity of the "sky is falling" in regards to this disease outbreak.... And in spite of the World Health Organization now stating that it is indeed a world wide epidemic in the making, I am going to continue to present logical and common sense reports about this disease......Many have read my report from two days ago, about how some researchers have found a few interesting facts about the make up of this Coronavirus, or what scientifically is called "Coronavirus 2019-nCoV"..... In that previous report, it was discovered that the viral infection was mostly targeting Chinese and other Asian victims and carriers as it was most prone to adhere to the lung tissue of that particular race of human beings.... That was indeed a strange and peculiar thing about this "Corona Virus" and showed that more research was indeed needed into the actual make up of the virus' RNA and its genetic structure...Now comes something very interesting that has been reported by the same website, at For they have presented the following report entitled "Uncanny Similarity Of Unique Inserts In The 2019-nCoV Spike Protein To HIV-1 gp120 And Gag" that shows some strange "anomalies" in the physical make up of the Coronavirus itself, pointing out the strong possibility that the virus is actually a man made disease!     I first want to present the abstract to that report here, and I will follow it up with my own thoughts and comments and try to interpret the findings as simply as I can to readers:Uncanny similarity of unique inserts in the 2019-nCoV spike protein to HIV-1 gp120 and GagPrashant Pradhan, Ashutosh Kumar Pandey, Akhilesh Mishra, Parul Gupta, Praveen Kumar Tripathi, Manoj Balakrishna Menon, James Gomes, Perumal Vivekanandan, Bishwajit Kundudoi: This article is a preprint and has not been certified by peer review [what does this mean?].


We are currently witnessing a major epidemic caused by the 2019 novel coronavirus (2019- nCoV). The evolution of 2019-nCoV remains elusive. We found 4 insertions in the spike glycoprotein (S) which are unique to the 2019-nCoV and are not present in other coronaviruses. Importantly, amino acid residues in all the 4 inserts have identity or similarity to those in the HIV-1 gp120 or HIV-1 Gag. Interestingly, despite the inserts being discontinuous on the primary amino acid sequence, 3D-modelling of the 2019-nCoV suggests that they converge to constitute the receptor binding site. The finding of 4 unique inserts in the 2019-nCoV, all of which have identity /similarity to amino acid residues in key structural proteins of HIV-1 is unlikely to be fortuitous in nature. This work provides yet unknown insights on 2019-nCoV and sheds light on the evolution and pathogenicity of this virus with important implications for diagnosis of this virus.NTS Notes: I actually did download the entire PDF file for this report and took the time to read over a lot of the material enclosed.... It is indeed most interesting reading, but the terminology alone would not be understood by most readers, so I will just leave the abstract and leave it up to readers if they want to access and download the PDF file for themselves..I do not want to bore a lot of readers with all of the technical jargon enclosed, for again they can read it for themselves, and instead I will cut to the chase here: The facts are that this "Coronavirus" is absolutely the most strange virus that these researchers have encountered, and the FACT that it contains "4 unique inserts" that are the same as the key structural proteins as HIV-1 viruses simply means that either this virus has somehow naturally mutated to have the same structural make up of HIV viruses that are the calling card of AIDS, which is highly illogical and would be one of the greatest long shots ever, OR this virus is absolutely 100% a man made concoction!  I for one do not want to be a fear monger here, but I am leaning on the latter....The big question that everyone should be asking is: WHY IN THE HELL does this virus contain the same inserts and sequences as HIV in the first place?   That alone signals that we are indeed dealing with an artificial construct and most probably a man made virus!The facts are that it is absolutely NOT normal for a "Coronavirus" to contain HIV-1 similar genetics.... And therefore logically we may indeed be dealing with a nefarious and most diabolically criminal biological weapon that may indeed have been developed at that Wuhan facility in China that was either 'accidentally' or DELIBERATELY let loose into the environment......BUT, I do want to note that all indications are that the Chinese government and those in Wuhan itself have been able to contain this disease, and in spite of the Jew spew media trying still to magnify the death toll and those who have actually contracted this disease, the threat of it actually becoming a 'world wide pandemic' is not happening....However, we are dealing with a "mutating" virus and there is still the fear that the present strains could mutate into a real killer..... That is still the real threat that we may face.....In fact Jim Stone over at has also reported on this strange and most "peculiar" findings about this Coronavirus.... Here is his report on this latest blockbuster report here:CORONAVIRUS UPDATE: IT HAS HIV CODE IN IT, IT IS DEFINITELY ENGINEERED SEE THIS

Ok, so at this point it is safe to say it is a good thing it failed. Here is a comment from one of my previous posts on this topic:

"Here's what I think, and you can probably take this one to the bank: The U.S. DOD, WHICH INCLUDES BILL GATES, blundered like Boeing, hired out incompetents to produce a killer virus to start the next pandemic to ram a new eugenics vaccine into everyone's @ss and the virus was unstable and mutated INSTANTLY (you remember those mutation reports, right? they happened early on) and after it mutated, it was WORTHLESS. So much for Crispr I guess and if you want a job done right HIRE **** AMERICANS."Well there you go. Yes, it is DEFINITELY bioengineered and a darn good thing it failed. That's why at first it was convincing with a convincing death toll, then it mutated because whoever engineered it did not get it stable enough, and now it is not high lethality. THANK GOD, and that reminds me:

About my comment "Wag the Plague" : Obviously the MSM, at first, did not think it was wagging anything and the MSM, along with the people who did this and subsequently hyped it through the roof on social media really thought they had created a monstrous disaster. If it had not mutated, everything they are saying about a global pandemic would have been true.

I was quick to notice however (instantly) when it failed and erroneously thought it was a natural virus, and not an attempt at a mass extermination. So now I'll say something a little different:We had all better hope this thing does not re-mutate to lethal. If it had 4 different HIV genes embedded in it, and was originally highly lethal, it was an obvious attempt by somebody to create a mass killing event, YOU KNOW, LIKE THE ONE MODELED THREE MONTHS EARLIER FOR THE EXACT SAME VIRUS BY BILL GATES.We know damn well who did this and THAT they did it if it has HIV genes in it, the HIV genes were to help it implant and increase it's persistence in the environment, and increase it's lethality. Fortunately, because Bill Gates hates hiring American, it struck out before making first base. Let's hope this strike out does not go into extra innings.I really hate Bill gates, I cannot even begin to describe how much I hate him. I was heavily involved in tech when he robbed the code from so many companies and destroyed them, and was amazed by how he kept going back and forth over the ashes to make damn good and sure someone he targeted hit oblivion. And when I discovered the truth about Palestine, and how thorough the IDF makes damn good and sure there is no evidence of a crime when they are done (they murdered about 4,000 in Jenin and spent over a week grinding them into the dirt with bulldozers to hide the evidence - ) when I discovered that from someone in Jenin it reminded me of Bill Gates and what he did to everyone around him. It's the same soul - that of the heartless "everything for me and nothing for the goy" Jew.That Bill Gates ran a simulation where this virus killed tens of millions three months before it showed up, and THAT THIS VIRUS IS GENETICALLY ENGINEERED is not a surprise to me, no, not at all.

NOT DEAR BILL GATES: you may be able to smash competing operating systems by denying manufacturers the use of yours if they put a competing operating system on ANY PC product they sell while hiring only Punjabis and Hindus to do your code, while forcing end users to suck up any damages your shitty products cause (that did not work for Boeing) but your attitude of shitting on the American white male just failed you with this virus, and now you're BUSTED WITHOUT RESULTS.

FACT: Bill Gates ran a simulation that had what should have been a mostly harmless coronavirus kill tens of millions.

FACT: Now we know this outbreak, which was run in social media and the MSM as a total killer, is a genetic engineering flop that mutated.


AND GET THIS: The Chinese are using HIV drugs to cure it! THEY KNOW.

 To be honest, the criminal "elite" in charge have absolutely been working and toying with viruses and other deadly concoctions as they are hell bent on wanting to wipe out the vast majority of the world's population as part of their sickening "Agenda 21" protocols.....  And I would not put it past those lunatics and maniacs to have thought about turning this Coronavirus 2019-nCoV into their weapon of choice for that to happen.... Luckily as Jim states, they have failed, at least for the moment.....I will continue to present more interesting and factual reports about this Coronavirus as they come forward here at this blog.... Stay tuned, for this story definitely is continuing..More to comeNTS