Controversial Video: Why Women Destroy Nations/ Civilizations, And Other Uncomfortable Truths...My Take...

Just the other day, someone sent me a link to a most controversial video that has been making all the rounds in the alternative media and even in the "real" truth movement.... I was asked my opinion of this video and to possibly put up an article with what I thought.. I figured that after watching the video closely a few times that I would indeed give my own thoughts about this video...The video in question comes from Youtube user: "Black Pigeon Speaks" and is entitled: "Why Women DESTROY NATIONS/CIVILIZATIONS, And Other Uncomfortable Truths" and first, I have it right here for everyone that has not seen it yet to view it for themselves... I will follow up of course with my own thoughts and further comments about this video:NTS Notes:  OK, I watched it several times, and YES some of the points made are valid.. But there are others that are severely lacking in this presentation and I will explain them here..First, it must be noted that it is NOT women that have led to the downfall of most civilizations, but the growth of fraudulent debt through odious USURY created by the fraud banking industry... Most nations collapse once that debt becomes out of control and can no longer be sustained.. That is what is happening across the world right now, and it is not being caused by women, but the criminal Jewish tribe that controls most of our nations' financial systems and therefore are the creators of the debt crisis...NOWHERE in this video is there any mention of the Jewish problem and their damage done to this planet through their fraud debt system....Second, it must be noted that the "Feminist" movement is and always has been a fraud and has also been the creation of these same Jewish scoundrels... The point here must be made that the founders and the "activists" behind the fraud "feminist movement" have always been Jews... The sole purpose of the fraud feminist movement has not been to "empower women" but to actually RUIN women, degrade men, and destroy families... This has been written right in the Jewish Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, and yes these criminal scoundrels have been following those protocols to the letter, AND have absolutely used this "feminist movement" scam to destroy our modern societies....Third, women are indeed driven by biology and their ability to be the child bearers of mankind.. This is a fact and no matter what the fraud "feminists" will try to say, it is right in the female nature and built into their biology.... But to say that women have done the damage to our societies by giving them equality and therefore cause them to be the "destroyers of civilizations" is a bit far fetched when other points that I have already stated come into mind....I find this video most interesting and as I have stated, very controversial... But the points are a bit misleading and missing the real causes of our present state of impending collapse and what has actually caused nations to collapse throughout history.... I have no qualms with women at all, and see no need to slam them as the "destroyers of nations"...... Other factors are at play and they are sadly missing in this presentation...The bottom line... Are women the "destroyers of civilizations"?  I doubt it.....Those in the know can see who the real culprits are.... More to comeNTS