Congress Has Too Many Multimillionaires-- Meet Sean Eldridge (DCCC)

With the Republicans threatening to shut the government down if they don't get their way on a laundry list of their pet projects, the richest Democrat in Congress, Virginia Senator Mark Warner, magnanimously offered up a "compromise" Saturday morning: “Democrats are gonna have to give on entitlements." By that he means "let's throw some poor people and seniors under the bus and cut back on Medicare and Social Security." Warner is reported to have a net worth of at least $88.5 million, possibly a great deal more. Easy for him to say. As easy as it was for Farmer Fincher (R-TN), who has taken $9 million in farm subsidies for himself as his family, to proselytize and vote to defund the food stamps program to the tune of $40 billion.There are too many multimillionaires in Congress. I'm not saying there should be none but maybe the number should be more in line with the percentage of them in the general population. So let's say two or three-- instead of over a hundred. Most of them-- there are a few exceptions-- are incapable of genuine transcendental empathy for the needy.The multimillionaire DCCC recruit in the video up top is Sean Eldridge, who we've covered before, once to warn readers that just because someone is gay doesn't mean they're progressive and once to marvel at the cluelessness of a candidate who would say he can relate to the hoi polloi-- or as his friend puts it, "people of modest means"-- because the poor boy grew up in a home with two parents who were merely doctors.Eldridge is the candidate of rich liberal elites and Steve Israel could barely hold back his enthusiasm of welcoming him to the DCCC fold. Steve Israel loves wealthy self-funders as much as he hates ordinary working people who have the temerity to think they have the right to run for Congress. Eldridge is right up his alley and Eldridge is already running a mystery meat campaign completely devoid of issues. Chris Gibson, one of only two Republicans to vote against a government shutdown on Saturday, will wipe the floor with him no matter how many millions of his own dollars he throws into the race. Just watch that poor excuse for an interview up top. And the equally zombie ad below, expensive but devoid of content. Another must-win seat down the tubes... courtesy of Steve Israel.