Cold Winter, Cool Spring-Arctic & Algonquin Ice Grows & Thickens- Ontario Cap & Trade

So far, it’s been a cool spring. In fact we are headed for a consecutive run of  below freezing temps.- 1 C or 30 F. Heading towards the end of April... Yahoo? Not!Thankfully the crocus have made it out.Daffodils have yet to show their teapot/saucer blooms, though, they usually appear in March.Here again like last year- NO leaves on the trees. Buds, yes. Leaves, no.It’s April 21/2015. We are again about a month behind. Hopefully by May we will have leaves on the trees? No one talks about the weather being too cold. Always about the ‘warming’. The alleged man made global warming and carbon. We've had much of that talk here in Ontario as of late. I'll get to that.Got some work done last week to prep the garden. The soil is too cold.  Too wet.But, we are hopeful Our tomato seedlings are doing beautifully, in the house. Have I mentioned we love tomatoes? And we save our heirloom seeds from year, to year, to year? The seeds were given to us, many years ago, by a family member long gone now.Something, noticeably different from even last year, was the lack of robins. You see turning up the soil, or over as is properly said, exposes a veritable smorgasbord of worms- And Robins are a bird that loves worms- But none came to eat the exposed wrigglers. That was a first.american robinIt’s quite likely the cold had something to do with it. But no one talks about the cold weather, only about the global warming. No one that is, except for me.  The cold has been hard on the birds. Very hard on them. As has been mentioned previously here at the blogThe cold has been hard on the Robins

Nova Scotia, Canada:Mark Elderkin, a species at risk biologist in the wildlife division of the Department of Natural Resources, believes this past season has gone on longer than ever recorded.“Historically, we might have to go back to 1872 to find similar conditions. In February of that year 171 centimetres of snow fell,” he said.But for 2015, “everything is later.” Winter-like weather has gone on a month longer than usual, prompting many Nova Scotians to start feeding apples to starving robins recently.

If the Robins come round to pull up worms in the garden I’ll be pleasedThe Government Of Canada released new maps of the Arctic- These maps are going to become more crucial for big oil to drill baby drill! Big Oil needs to know ice conditions. And contrary to all the media lies- Arctic Ice is expanding and thickening.Arctic Ice 06Arctic Ice 2014One can just imagine how much more ice there is after the long cold winter of 2014/2015?Not only has the ice expanded it has gotten thicker- Nearly 10 inches thicker.Does anyone imagine that would be happening if the Arctic was really warming?Techtimes-

An increased volume of Arctic sea ice has been detected in CanadaThe European Space Agency (ESA) unveiled the results of their five-year CryoSat satellite mission, revealing that the Arctic floes monitored in the north have become thicker by an average of 9.8 inches, or 17 percent, compared to the thinnest winter ice the agency detected in the region in 2013.Imaging from the satellite showed a large portion of the Beaufort Sea was covered in ice. This area registered as bare water on the map based on the results from eight years ago.

But, why are they really and truly measuring all this ice?

"This new capability goes far beyond CryoSat's original purpose, which was to collect measurements for scientific research," Professor Andy Shepherd, CPOM Director and the CryoSat's principal scientific advisor, said.

"The mission is now an essential tool for a wide range of services operating in areas of the planet where sea ice forms."

A wide range of services operating in areas of the planet where sea ice forms.....?You all know what is operating in areas of the planet where sea ice forms, right? Of course!British Petroleum. Royal Dutch Shell. Rosenoft. Exxon. Etc

"Scientists hope that the information gathered through the CryoSat satellite can help organizations working in the Arctic create a safer plan of operations"

Organizations- Safer plans of operation- That’s all for "BIG OIL" And oil exploration in the Arctic. As it always has been.All these oil companies engage in practices that weaken the Arctic Ice-No warming necessary- Perhaps the brutal cold of the past years will save the Arctic? Though it may kill plenty of wildlife in the processYet another  tidbit regarding the persistent cold.Hat tip to slozo who left this earlier in the month-

slozoApril 2, 2015 at 5:45 PMI'm super late commenting here, but . . . I just got this link to the Friends of Algonquin Park (eastern Ontario for you non-Canucks). phrase in the report is, it's the thickest ice depth ever recorded, since they started the records in 1964.Yup.

 Algonquin Provincial Park

"Due to another bitterly cold winter and the slow onset of warmer temperatures, ice out in Algonquin Park is anticipated to be much later than average (average is April 27). Ice thickness recently measured in the South Arm of Lake Opeongo remains at 64 centimetres (25"). Measurements have been kept since 1964 and current ice depths set a new record for this date in time.

About the parkAnd one last point of fact-  Being a former greenpeace supporter, no money support anymore but still receiving their emails, it had come to my attention that there was a ‘global warming march’ being held in Quebec City- Load up them buses! No police head bashers of course, unlike the student protests, but, that's a story for another day.Noticed the march didn’t get much coverage? Could it have been because the protest took place in mid April with snow blanketing the ground? Would too many people notice that contradiction?Images from the Quebec City "protest" Apparently the contradictions were lost on the indoctrinated?Ontario is set to start cap and trade-It’s a cash grab. A way to create another wall street bubble.A way to enrich the bankers. And the big oil monopolies. And that’s all it ever was intended to be.Ontario's Cap & Trade Regime could raise 2 billion a year

A carbon cap-and-trade system in Canada’s most populous province is projected to raise as much as $2 billion annually, early government and third-party estimates show.

 Carbon has now been made into a commodity. Carbon will be traded. And absolutely nothing will change except you and I will be further impoverished. Because this entire "carbon" narrative is just another big lie perpetrated to further impoverish/control the people (carbon based life forms) and to enrich banks/bankers/wall street and continue propping up the oil companies. Like having taxpayer dollars used to help organizations working in the Arctic ice- you know safer plans of operation and all that.By the Way? April blizzard takes Moscow by surpriseThat's about what my tulips look like right now- without the snow, thankfullyCheck out the images and read the comments