Cleveland Settles with Tamir Rice’s Family for $6 Million

The city of Cleveland will pay $6 million to the family of Tamir Rice, the 12-year-old boy shot and killed by police while playing in the park with a pellet gun.
The settlement comes with the stipulation that police did nothing wrong in shooting the boy within one second of pulling up to the park, even though he was not even holding the pellet gun at the time.
The city will pay Rice’s family $3 million this year and an additional $3 million next year, according to ABC News.
Last year, a grand jury determined the officers involved in the shooting were justified in shooting the child.
Timothy Loehmann, the officer who hopped out of the passenger’s seat of the patrol car, and shot Rice had been fired from a previous job because he had proven to emotionally unstable and ill-equipped to use a gun.
But Cleveland police said they hired him anyway without bothering to do a background check.

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