Clearing The Air On Statement Made By Charles Giuliani In Error On February 6th, 2015

I have been asked to make a statement about a statement made by Charles Giuliani on his Friday show over at 'American Nationalist Network', and I figured I would use it to clear the air...I sent a personal email out to Charles last week where I gave him my opinion on the piece released by the webmaster over at "The Ugly Truth" website... I also have already released an article recently that firmly gives clear evidence of exactly what that article entailed.... In that article, the webmaster has finally admitted that crisis actors were indeed used for the Sandy Hook fraud operation of December 14th, 2012... The usage of crisis actors means absolutely that the Sandy Hook shooting was indeed a fraud and an operation, due to the simple fact that it takes time to get the "crisis actors" in place and therefore what we witnessed was indeed an operation....There can be no other conclusion that can be reached by the statement of that article.....In the email to Charles, I said as a metaphor that the webmaster at TUT had "hung himself" by making that article, simply because for the last 2+ years that individual has attacked mercilessly anyone that called it properly as a hoax... He has put out many articles over the last two years alone attacking everyone that looked at Sandy Hook as a fraud, and has had others that write at his site also attack others as well... Now for him to change his tune or to try to "distance" himself from the fact that it was an operation calls into question his authenticity, and as I said metaphorically, for him to change his tune about that operation means that he has "hung himself"..... We all use such metaphors in our common every day language, such as "shooting someone in the foot" or having their "gooses cooked".... It was never an implication of any other meaning or malice, quite obviously....However, Charles did misquote my email and its statement in the first 5 minutes of his podcast, and falsely said that the webmaster at TUT had killed himself... It was obviously a gross misquote of what I had sent to Charles, and not to be implied in such a fashion... In conversations with Charles over the last few days, he clearly has said that he misquoted me, and will come forward with a correction on his Monday internet podcast.... Charles is a fine writer and podcaster, and he knows that he screwed up and will state it on Monday, with an apology if he deems it necessary... The fact is that I am the one that should be angry at Charles for that statement, but I am not.. I know about human error and that he is prone to it like everyone else... Clearing the air on Monday is sufficient to me and he need not ever apologize to myself...BUT in the meantime, the people over at TUT have been going absolutely "hog wild" with wild assertions and obviously on a major attack against both Charles and myself..... I have read some of the comments and I  leave it up to everyone to take a look for themselves.... I will not sink to their level of disgusting behaviour and false accusations, and I stand behind the facts presented in my original statement that the webmaster has now waffled and metaphorically speaking.. "hung himself" on the issue, thanks to his own statements presented in his Rita Katz article on the issue of the Sandy Hook shooting...Anyone that reads that article will come to the same conclusion....The fact is that this person that runs TUT had ruthlessly attacked my friend, Whitewraithe, over 2 years ago, and for him to now say that any talk about Sandy Hook is now "in the past" without apologizing to Whitewraithe and everyone else that he attacked for their knowledge of that major incident as being false is truly disgusting... I will not sink to that level of depravity...If someone is wrong, then they are wrong....I will also call in on Monday during Charlie's podcast to lend his support and to again let everyone know that what has happened was just a bad error of judgment and not to slur those who are slurring us....Again, I will not sink to their level of depravity...Thank you for your time.... And as usual...More to comeNTS