China Just Ridiculed the US While Confirming ‘Most Important’ Partnership With Russia

(ANTIMEDIA) — This week, the Chinese ambassador to Russia, Li Hui, praised the increasingly cooperative relationship between China and Russia, also taking the opportunity to take a stab at the U.S., Newsweek reports.
Speaking on Wednesday at a government news conference organized in response to the overwhelming success of the 19th Chinese Communist Party Congress in October, the ambassador lauded the progress the two countries have made in pursuing greater relations in recent years, particularly with regard to their efforts to modernize their armies and inject themselves into the international political arena.
“The Chinese-Russian relations of comprehensive strategic cooperation and partnership are the most important bilateral relations in the world and, moreover, the best relations between big countries,” Li reportedly told the Russian state-owned TASS news agency, which played host to the conference.
“One can say that they are a classic example of the healthiest and most mature interstate relations and an important force to protect peace and stability throughout the world,” Li also added.
It is not unusual for Russian and Chinese officials to make statements like these, which are clearly intended for Washington in more ways than one. First, the statement is crafted to make Washington pay attention to Russia and China’s growing relationship so the U.S. knows it cannot realistically get much done on the world stage without confronting either of the nuclear powers first. Second, the statement itself is directed at the United States government with its use of terms such as “healthiest” and “most mature interstate relations,” an effort to ridicule America’s approach to global politics, which arguably lacks those qualities. The foundation of the U.S.-led world order is based on forced submission through direct bullying as opposed to maintaining healthy and mature relations intended to protect peace and stability.
According to the ambassador, one of the core reasons why Russia and China are having success lately is that they have both “abandon[ed] the thinking of the Cold War” and a “zero-sum game” policy. Again, this is clearly a reference to the United States, which, if anything, has reignited what can only be described as Cold War 2.0 hysteria over anything remotely related to Russia.
In July of this year, Russia and China also made a joint statement together, signed by their respective presidents. It stated:
“Both sides believe that the current international system is moving towards multi-polarization. The rise of emerging markets and developing countries has become an irresistible historical trend. Meanwhile… the negative factors affecting global stability are increasing around the world; cold war mentality and hegemony still exist; and non-traditional security threats such as terrorism, refugee crisis, major infectious diseases, and climate change are spreading.”
At the same time, the two countries also made another joint statement that signaled a deepening comprehensive and strategic partnership of coordination, which the two countries’ presidents also signed. The statement covered political mutual trust, economic cooperation, security cooperation, cultural exchange, and international cooperation.
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