China’s President Xi speaks with Trump as North Korea says its entire population will fight

President Xi Jinping has held a phone conversation with his American counterpart where he urged restraint over North Korea. Using diplomatic language, Xi admonished Trump,

“The relevant side must at present exercise restraint, and avoid words and actions that exacerbate tensions on the Korean Peninsula”.

RT further reports,

“Xi also reiterated his support for a nuclear-free North Korea.
The conversation took place after a series of threats made by Trump to the North Korean leadership, which in turn promised to target the vicinity of Guam in its next missile test. Japan said it would take down the missiles if such a launch through its airspace took place, while Trump warned that the US has military solutions “locked and loaded.”
While not publicly stating how it would proceed in the event of a US attack on Pyongyang, Beijing strongly hinted that it would oppose such actions. An editorial in the state-run outlet the Global Times, published by the Communist Party’s official People’s Daily, suggested that China would seek to prevent an attack on North Korea while remaining neutral if Pyongyang launched an attack”.

This comes as North Korea responded to Donald Trump’s latest threat when he spoke from a golf club saying that North Korea would “regret” any military actions it takes against Guam.
North Korea responded by stating that its entire adult population is ready to fight the United States in the event of a war.
According to The Rodong Sinmun newspaper based in Pyongyang,

“All the people are rising up across the country to retaliate against the U.S. thousands of times. In North Hwanghae Province, 89,000 young men pleaded to enlist or reenlist on Aug. 9 alone. In Daedong County of South Pyongan Province, more than 20,000 students, party members and labourers filed enlistment or reenlistment requests”.

According to the South Korean newspaper Yonhap,

“North Korea said Saturday that nearly 3.5 million youths and retired soldiers have filed a request to enlist or reenlist in the military to retaliate against the United States over the latest economic sanctions adopted by the U.N. Security Council”.

This comes as 100,000 North Koreans marched in Pyongyang in a protest against what authorities called the American “Huge crime of state terrorism”.

It would appear that China’s words of caution along with the joint Chinese/Russian peace plan are the only things that stand between Donald Trump and nuclear war.
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