Chemical Manipulation of Humanity: Fetal Brain Damage via Bisphenol S- The “safe” Alternative

You know like how ethyl mercury is vastly safer then methyl mercury?  The Chemical Manipulation of Humanity continues on......In case you are a newer reader- this topic has really gotten under my skin. In more ways then one. Therefore it’s going to be a core topic here for as long as it takes. These plastics, phthalates and other endocrine disrupting chemicals are produced in abundance by petro chemical companies. And they are destroying us!  It has been known, long known, that these chemicals are altering/effecting/ poisoning all life  on the planet. And still there is no global move to clean this mess up. No major press. No AGW scare tactic equivalent. No elite marches. No celebrity spokespersons. Just dribs and drabs of information. My goal is to catch the dribs and drabs, pooling them in one place, hopefully giving this extremely important subject more comprehensive coverage in order  to inform &empower myself, my loved ones and all of you who read here. Why? Because we deserve the best life possible- And good health is part of a great life! We have to be the driver for change.Image borrowed from hereBefore we get to the latest trickle through I am going to point out that there was a UN study done on this, years ago. (2012)  Linked in this post- The Fraud of AGW vs the Real threat to Humanity- Endocrine Disruptors There was also an earlier UN Study done in 2002- So the psychopathic elites are long aware of this massive problem- However the masses are mostly unawareLA Times- Science Now- Bisphenol S just as bad as Bisphenol AAlternative to BPA (BPS) Just as bad

Fetal exposure to Bisphenol A, as well as to the widely marketed alternative Bisphenol S, may cause "real and measurable" changes in the development of a brain region that plays a key role in fear, impulse-control, obesity and early puberty.Canadian researchers have found in animal studies that low-level exposure to either Bisphenol A (BPA) or Bisphenol S (BPS) during the equivalent to a human fetus' second trimester altered the timetable and rate at which neurons inside the brain's hypothalamus developed. Such perturbations, they warned, can lead the developing brain to wire itself incorrectly, with potentially subtle but wide-ranging downstream behavioral results.

The findings could shed light on the physiological mechanisms that link the growing use of endocrine-disrupting chemicals, such as BPA, in consumer products to increases in such childhood disorders as clinical anxiety and hyperactivity.The latest study was conducted on larval zebra fish, an animal whose brain development proceeds similarly to that of human fetuses. Newly hatched zebra fish exposed to very low levels of the neuroendocrine-disrupting chemical BPA displayed bursts in activity -- an anxiety-like behavior -- that were nearly threefold the level seen in normally developing zebra fish larvae.

While low-level exposure to BPA prompted a 180% increase in the production of neurons in the hypothalamus of zebrafish, exposure to BPS boosted neurogenesis during a key window by 240%.The study, published online Monday in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, also calls into serious question the safety of the chemical most widely used in products labeled "BPA-free," and therefore marketed as a safer alternative to BPA. A recent analysis of Americans' and Asians' urine samples confirmed previous work in finding that, while 93% had detectable levels of BPA, 81% had detectable levels of BPS.

Despite a paucity of toxicology testing, BPS appears to have become the "primary replacement" for BPA, the authors wrote. But Bisphenol S "equally affects neurodevelopment," (You can bet your last dollar that the switch to Bisphenol S, was a simple appeasement move and that it's toxicity was well known) they concluded, adding that "a societal push to remove all bisphenols from our consumer goods is justified." Both chemicals appeared to act not just on estrogen receptors in the brain, but to androgen receptors as well, the researchers found.

 Well society, where is your push- Because Al Gore ain't gonna do it for ya! Angelina Jolie isn't going to cry crocodile tears for your injured children

That such low concentrations of BPA could perturb the timing of fetal brain-cell development suggests that existing regulatory practices might miss some of the effects of endocrine-disrupting chemicals such as BPA, the authors said. As a result, government regulators may be miscalculating safe levels of exposure.

Mounting research suggests that exposure to BPA at middling levels activates protective mechanisms in humans and other mammals. Exposure to very high levels will overwhelm such defenses and cause damage. But exposure to very low concentrations of BPA may cause more subtle damage: At low doses, the chemicals appear to sneak in under the body's radar and mimic the effects of hormones found naturally in the body. That could lead to high cancer rates, infertility, brain changes and other endocrine disorders.

Testing by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and by Canadian regulators often overlooks the "U-shaped" pattern of damaging exposure: Government scientists determine safe exposure limits by starting at high levels of exposure to a given chemical and lowering the dose progressively. They often stop when the physiological effects of exposure can no longer be detected."Our finding that BPA at a very low dose alters neurogenesis and that a moderate dose did not affect neurogenesis significantly calls for a change in government-sanctioned methods of assessing human tolerable daily intake levels," the authors wrote.

Portland Press- WHAT IS A SAFE LEVEL OF EXPOSURE?In the latest research, scientists at University of Calgary in Canada tested exposure levels that were equal to the concentrations of BPA present in the waters of the Oldman River, which runs through southern Alberta and supplies water to two major urban centers. The exposure levels at which changes in zebrafish neurodevelopment and behavior were seen were 100-fold lower than levels that have been measured by other researchers in circulating fetal blood.That such low concentrations of BPA could perturb the timing of fetal brain-cell development suggests that existing regulatory practices might miss some of the effects of endocrine-disrupting chemicals such as BPA, the authors said. As a result, government regulators may be miscalculating safe levels of exposure.

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