Charlottesville, Virginia: The Three Ring Circus Show with Grand Finale

 Rambling ruminations* Location, location, location... The "commonwealth" of Virginia with contains North Virginia : Spooks, spies and other assorted government alphabet agencies.  As Halloween is to CandyI watched a bit of the live coverage as this protest took place. Why was there “live coverage” at all?  Let alone on every network including RT? (I  remain highly suspicious of RT to this day)Why was it that the spectators and media outnumbered the protestors? That was all I could see. Media. Spectators lined the streets with their cellphones.Not much in the way of protesting... I understood from the media coverage that Antifa, Black Lives Matter and some “Militia” type persons were all present under the big top! Ring 1- Antifa - The stooge army of the elites- I like this definitionI also have one of my own.A useless largely parent dependent bunch of self hating middle class white persons, university indoctrinated,  mostly male, who can’t have real relationships and spend too much time viewing internet porn while consuming erectile dysfunction drugs. Losers supported by the parents- A product of toxic culture and the globalist agenda.Some members of Antifa recently attacked Gilad Atzmon as he went about his day. Not sure why?I don't think Gilad understood why eitherHowever, Gilad quickly joined anti-fa shortly thereafter ;) Ring 2- Black Lives Matter- Linked to Soros. Likely linked to any one of the US alphabet agencies that undertake regular societal infiltration- A black panthers infiltrated rehash.Huffpost:Richard Aoki, Man Who Armed Black Panthers, Was FBI InformantBlack Lives Matter- Same as Antifa- Product of toxic culture & globalist divide to conquer agenda Ring 3- Militia men- Who the hell knows who these persons really are. The militia movement has been infiltrated for decades. Think of Timothy McVeigh- NYT’s article U.S. Agent Infiltrated Militia, Lawyer SaysIf one militia was infiltrated you can bet others were infiltrated also The Militia movement, like Antifa &  Black Lives Matter-  All products of toxic culture and globalist agenda. Manipulated by any number of alphabet agencies- In other words more of the same old/same old

For everyone one there is a political identity that can be manipulated and managed.

And the media presents the circus to the massesStep right up ladies and gents. We got the freaks. The geeks. The marksmen. The outliers.  The Grande Finale.... Drum Roll please?The lone nut in the car who runs people down- Sometimes one. Often more. This specific grande finale has appeared at many circus shows the world over. You could say it's world renowned.Apparently there is much rubbish making the anti social media rounds concerning this persons UNVERIFIED face book page“The Facebook page that appears to belong to Fields”Of course somethings are not as they appear. In fact many things are not as they "appear'James Fields, the alleged driver, who also happened to have joined  the US militaryJames Fields was briefly on active duty status with the Army, but only from August 18, 2015 to December 11, 2015.

Military records show that Mr. Fields entered the Army on Aug. 18, 2015, around the time his mother wrote on Facebook that he had left for boot camp. Less than four months later, on Dec. 11, his period of active duty concluded. It was not immediately clear why he left the military.

I wouldn’t assume he left the military- Don’t know why the NYT’s is suggesting that? Is that what they want you to think? Interesting that this so called racist just happens to kill a white woman?  Why would he kill a white woman?  Heather HeyerI am informed by the media she was protesting alleged injustice, but, I don’t know that, and am only getting the story from the media. For all I know she could have simply been a spectator- Wrong place, wrong timeWe're supposed to believe she was a paralegal.. But

Mr. Wilson hired Ms. Heyer at the recommendation of a friend. She had a high school diploma but did not have a background in law. She was working as a bartender and waitress, but he said she had an eye for detail and was “a people person.”

So, how was she working as a paralegal. That story doesn't jibe.  Did she become a paralegal afterwards? What schooling did she have for this position?She lived alone with her dog?   Allegedly named after her favourite colour? According to who? Who provided that personal information to the media? Not mentioned.So she had  no mother? No father? No family?  Not mentionedWhy did an alleged racist aka black person hater run down a white woman? No matter.You have to believe someone died. That's just good gaming and theatre. Death is always part of the show. It evokes so much emotion. Sadness, fear, anger. Vengeance and more. It leaves you wanting, but, unsure of just what it is you want. Confused. It leaves you confused.The real question is when is the blood lust of the masses ever going to be satiated. Or will it be egged on to ever greater depravities as society falls to pieces.When will you stop being a willing viewer. A willing participant. A willing consumer of that which is destroying you. Destroying us all.  Scott @ Willy Loman’s has a number of posts on this psychological operation.Enlighten yourself. Or drink the kool aid? The choice is yours.

"Strategy of Tension"

Flashback!!! :  Thursday, November 10, 2016: Is the US getting it's "colour revolution"? - Identity Politics aka Divide to Conquer

"A colour revolution fomented via identity politics? Sure looks that way!

Oh. Canada. We'll get ours too.....