The Charlie Hebdo Shooting HOAX: WHY Are The French And British Suddenly Giving Special Treatment To The Jews ONLY?

The  Charlie Hebdo "shooting" is most definitely a hoax... I will state the  obvious right here in that NOBODY died in that absolutely false flag event.... The good people of France have now been suckered in by massive hoax much like the Americans have been treated as gullible fools by the fraud Sandy Hook "shooting" and the laughable "Boston Bombing"..... It is just too bad that with the Jewish control of the French mainstream BS media that most people in France will now be hoodwinked and suckered into the false belief that this fraud attack was caused by "crazed Islamic terrorists", and France will now go in lockstep with both the US and Britain into the equally fraudulent 'war on terror'.....But I am troubled.... For there are a few reports that have come out since this fraud shooting where suddenly there have been "security" concerns about possible follow up "terrorist" attacks in France which could indeed happen... However, strangely, according to this report from the Jew spew NY Times Online, it appears that over "5000" French troops have now been deployed to protect of all things.... "Sensitive Sites" that are all Jewish!  First, I have the link to that report here for everyone to see for themselves:… is especially shocking, considering that these sites are absolutely and exclusively Jewish only... What troubles me is that everyone should be alarmed and asking the hard question: "WHY are only Jewish sites being protected?  What about Catholic? Protestant? ... Or even Islamic as well?".... Why the hell are the Jews being selected out of everyone as being so privileged?That is bad enough, but today I came across the following report from the Daily Stormer website that absolutely sickened me and has raised a serious alarm bell that something more diabolical is about to happen that goes beyond this Charlie Hebdo fiasco... First I want to present that Daily Stormer article here for everyone to see for themselves: Jewish Police Cars Patrol London After Paris Attacks Published On January 12, 2015 | Featured Articles, Jewish Problem, News  So a few Jews get killed in another country and the Jews are allowed to send out special Jewish police cars into London?  Meanwhile thousands of White girls got raped in Britain by crazy mud people and nothing happens?  Does this not show how much power Jews exercise in host nations?  We need to purge these parasites from White European nations immediately.  Send them on one-way trips to Tel Aviv as they cry six million tears.From Daily Mail:Extra Jewish security patrol cars and police were out in force in North-West London yesterday following the kosher store siege in Paris.The cars look very similar to police vehicles and bear the security group’s name ‘Shomrim’ – Hebrew for ‘guards’ – along the sides and back.The Orthodox organisation, which works closely with the Metropolitan Police, tweeted: ‘Following events in Paris we will have on extra patrols throughout NW London over Shabbos [ the Jewish sabbath].’ NTS Notes:  This has raised warning bells with myself and it should with everyone else... I do suspect that something much much bigger is about to happen (Economic collapse?) and the perpetrators behind the impending disaster, the so called "chosen ones" are getting their so called "security" forces and their puppet regime government forces in place to protect their own people from the fallout that will definitely occur..The fact is again that the Charlie Hebdo "shooting" was indeed a hoax, but these actions by the British and the French governments to "protect" their masters' people should be a wake up call by everyone....I have long suspected that this fraud shooting in Paris was a setup with the result being a loss of personal freedoms and liberties for the fraud of "security".......Now it appears that the shooting was also being used to cover for the forthcoming economic collapse and our controlled governments moving their forces into place to protect the perpetrators behind that crime against humanity....  If someone has a better and more logical reason for this sudden push to protect "Jewish interests" exclusively, then I am all ears...More to comeNTS