The Charlie Hebdo Mossad False Flag Attack: This Single Video Shows Proof Positive It Was A Hoax!

I have been busy the last few days catching up on matters I missed while having the Flu over the weekend... But I have been keeping up with all the news coming out fast and furiously that exposes the "Charlie Hebdo" shooting as indeed being a massive hoax....I came across this one video that shows clear evidence that the shooting is indeed a staged event... I know that many have already seen this one and I might be a bit late in getting this one to this site, but I want to present it right here for those who have not had the luxury of seeing it for themselves or are still stuck in the false sense that this shooting was somehow real...  Here is that video, and of course I have my own thoughts and comments to follow: NTS Notes:  I can see now WHY the criminals over at Google, and all the Jew spew media outlets and our own governments want this video deleted or supressed... Clearly we can see that the "police officer" that was supposedly shot by the "gunman" has absolutely NO BLOOD anywhere, period... And to top it all off, the "gunman" shoots the "policeman" at point blank range with what is supposedly an AK-47 assault rifle.... At that short range, a normal AK-47 7.62mm bullet would have blown the "policeman"'s head wide open and would have splattered blood EVERYWHERE!   But again, we find none, no blood, zip, nada!!!This one video reminds me of the "Robbie Parker" video from the fraud "Sandy Hook shooting" that called that false flag into question.... It does seem again that the perpetrators behind this hoax constantly get careless and hope that the gullible public does not pick up on their fraud....Please take this one video and pass it around for everyone to see for themselves... As I said before and many times, they will continue with these false flag attacks until we stop them in their tracks!More to comeNTS