The Charleston "Shooting" Was A Pre-Planned Operation: Active Shooting Drills Conducted In Charleston During Time Of "Shooting"!

I knew that something was very wrong with this Charleston, South Carolina "shooting" from the very beginning.... Everything about this supposed shooting of 9 people in a church in Charleston absolutely made no sense at all and stunk of another set up along the lines of the Sandy Hook operation... Knowing from what I and others have seen before with these "shootings",  I smelled a rat and decided to do as much research as possible before calling it for what it truly is...Another active shooting drill that went "live"! Now comes the evidence that this was indeed a set up and part of the criminal US Department Of Homeland (In-)Security... And I want to thank a fellow truth seeker who calls himself "Soldier Of Yah" who writes the blog: "Truthseeker Archive" at, for bringing this absolute bombshell to my attention.... His article is entitled: "BOOM! Charleston Shooting Hoax Happened During Federal (DHS) "Active Shooter" Drill!" and I want to present the evidence right here for everyone to see for themselves... I have my usual thoughts and comments to follow:

Monday, June 22, 2015

BOOM! Charleston Shooting Hoax Happened During Federal (DHS) 'Active Shooter' Drill !!

Title of video in YouTube: "BOOM! Charleston Shooting Happened During Federal 'Active Shooter' Drill"YouTube user channel: "DAHBOO777" Title of video in YouTube: "Charleston Shooting Hoax Was a Confirmed Active Shooter Drill (Redsilverj)YouTube user channel: "TeamWakeEmUP"False flag? Charleston shooting happened during federal active shooter drill to enlarge)See at DHS website here: Notes:  This proves it... This Charleston shooting was a set up from the word go,and was most definitely an "active shooter" drill that went "live" just like they pulled the same stunt with Sandy Hook!The big question now becomes... Did anyone actually "die" in this latest "shooting" and is the "shooter" real, or simply another "patsy" to take the fall for this fake shooting?  The fact is also that the US Government just gave some $29 Million within days of this latest "shooting" to the "victim's families", and to me that is the payoff for the piss poor "crisis actors" that were used at this latest shooting... If you want to see how laughably ridiculous these actors were for this latest "shooting", watch the following video as a prime example: I for one am worried now that the American public will fall for the propaganda effect of this "shooting" and actually support the criminal US Government's latest initiatives for "gun control"... Hopefully people everywhere will spread this and other evidence of the fraudulence of this Charleston "massacre" quickly before the criminals are able to take away the last line of defense by the American people against corruption, which is of course their guns....And I do wonder when the wonderful people at the TUT-ankhamen website, and of course the Spin-doctor, will come out and decry and insult the people that see this as a hoax like Sandy Hook... These fools have been stuck since their blatant lies about Sandy Hook being real, and I wonder what they will have the nerve to say about this one?  Their disinformation tactics are almost laughable now.....I am indeed calling this one as I see it... A planned operation that went live with the usual crisis actors involved... Hopefully the American people will see it this way as well....More to comeNTS