CENSORSHIP CAUGHT: Facebook tries to shut the door on The Duran

Look at this. Real live censorship. In response to my article about the OPCW finding no chemical weapons at the Damascus Research Center, Facebook gave me a disputed facts warning. This is the first time I have seen one of these.

How come we never hear of this when CNN or WaPo or NYT runs a report? How come we never hear about this with the eternal Trump / RussiaGate efforts?
The press is free folks. We should be free to say what we wish. And our sources for the Duran are as reputable as they come. It is never good to lie about anything, and this reporter is not about to go down such a path.
Yet it is for our reporting that the FB warning shows. Maybe this is why:

That little blue number: 16,625 people reached. That means this is getting around, and someone out there doesn’t like it.
Something to think about.
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