Caucasus: Georgian Military Integrated Into NATO, EU

Ministry of Defence of Georgia
December 17, 2013
Report to Defence Attaches

The Defence Minister of Georgia presented an annual report on fulfilled and ongoing reforms in the Defence Ministry and Armed Forces to military attaches accredited to Georgia. At the beginning of the meeting, Defence Minister expressed gratitude to the military representatives of foreign countries for firm cooperation and involvement in reformation process.
Minister summed up the fulfilled projects at MoD and emphasized the priorities of defence ministry. As Irakli Alasania outlined, one of the priorities refers to improvement of transparency and accountability. In this respect, MoD has taken important proactive transformation steps, such as strengthening parliamentary control; enhance cooperation with local and international NGOs, the MoD joined the NATO Building Integrity initiative. Minister also touched upon the financial transparency. As he highlighted, state procurement system has improved, as a result the number of open tenders has increased to 70%.
Improvement of infrastructure and logistics were one of the main issues of the report as well.
While summing up carried out reforms in 2013, Irakli Alasania focused on the main directions of cooperation with Euro-Atlantic structures: “Our directions refer to integration process to NATO and EU; Georgia’s engagement to EU crisis management operations and NATO-led ISAF international operation in Afghanistan. We also talked about structural reforms and the assistance Georgia institutionally gets from NATO. Georgia is able to become an experience exporter recently got in defence sphere”. Post-ISAF period and future cooperation plans in Afghanistan were also discussed at the meeting with military attaches.
While reporting, Defence Minister referred to the regional security issues, strategic cooperation with neighbor countries, Georgia’s participation in SEDM initiative, as well conflict resolution by peaceful ways. Minister focused on Georgia’s role in the region and stated: “We are becoming an example for the regional countries how to manage defence structure properly, democratically and transparently”.
Chief of General Staff of GAF, Major-General Vakhtang Kapanadze reported to the military attaches on the carried out reforms in Georgian Armed Forces. He outlined several important aspects, including military education and training, improvement of infrastructure on the military bases, social projects for military servicemen and their family members and personnel management.
Major-General Vakhtang Kapanadze highlighted Georgia’s involvement in post-ISAF period and joining NRF. “During meeting with military attaches we always discuss the works made and the issues we have already resolved or to be resolved. Firm cooperation with military attaches is very important for further improvement of Georgian Armed Forces” – stated Major-General Vakhtang Kapanadze.
At the end of the report, defence attaches thanked the Georgia side for cooperation and expressed will to deepen relations in the future.
