Catching up with the great Lee Camp

by KenI feel bad about not keeping readers up to date with the doings of the great Lee Camp, the incredibly agile-minded, perpetually outraged, and fearlessly funny writer and comic. (I have to say "writer and comic," because as I've mentioned, you could read something Lee has written and think him a brilliantly incisive, poised stylist -- a wonderfully different effect from what we get when he performs his material.) The fact is, I haven't been keeping up so well myself.I've known from Lee's regular e-mails that he's become involved in some kind of regular telecast called Redacted Tonight, airing Fridays at 8pm on RT America, but I'm just not much of a computer watcher, YouTube or otherwise, and I confess that I've never seen it. (Honestly, I don't know what RT America is.) I see the show is also available on both YouTube and Hulu.So I thought you might be as interested as I am in finding out what Redacted Tonight is all about, and it so happens that Lee has just sent out a link for an appearance that he and two of his partners on the show, John F. O'Donnell and Abby Feldman, just made on Larry King's PoliticKing and explained the whole thing. (Huh, wait! Larry King has a show of some sort? Have I fallen asleep like Ichabod Crane but traveled backwards in time? I guess this means Larry is still alive and ambulatory?)Then, if you're curious, here's an online posting of Redacted #41, apparently the March 20th episode.Meanwhile, don't forget Lee's website,, where you can no doubt get some help figuring all of this out as well as tracking Lee's doings -- past, present, and future!#