Caspian, Caucasus: NATO Days Held In Azerbaijan

Azeri News Agency
November 1, 2014
Baku to host NATO Days
Azerbaijani servicemen will participate in international events
Baku: Azerbaijani servicemen will participate in several international events. The German city of Oberammergau will hold the courses of NATO Defense Leadership on Building Integrity and NATO Public Affairs Policy, the Defense Ministry told APA.
Meanwhile, the Medical Evaluation Course will be held in Budapest. Ankara will host an event on teacher exchange between Azerbaijan High Military School named after Heydar Aliyev and the Turkish Military School of Land Forces.
NATO Days in Baku is due to take place on the same date.
From November 3 to 14, a regional training course on Hydrography will be held in the city of Constanta (Romania) and the 156th International Military Course in San Remo (Italy).
