Carl Campeau- Canadian Legal Advisor to UN kidnapped 8 months ago; Freed

This is a follow up to a posting here, probably, 8 months ago. Let's see.........Carl Campeau was kidnapped February 7/2013. But, that kidnapping was not reported on until February 25/2013Carl Campeau was first reported as being an Austrian citizen, but, that was corrected or changed later.The original post : UN Staff at Golan Missing- The story changesHere is the latest via CBC: He doesn't look emaciated or dehydrated after 8 mos of captivity

A Canadian UN worker abducted eight months ago in Syria appeared on Syrian state television a free man after reportedly managing to escape his captors, who had forgotten to lock him in.The United Nations confirmed Thursday that Carl Campeau, a legal adviser for the UN Disengagement Observer Force (UNDOF), is free. According to Syrian state TV, which spoke with Campeau in an interview aired Thursday, he was abducted by rebel forces on Feb. 27 from Khan Al-Sheih, just outside the Syrian capital, Damascus.Sporting a beard and wearing glasses, a blue shirt and a dark sweater, Campeau appeared fatigued but otherwise apparently well in a video recording of the interview seen by CBC.He was photographed with Faisal al Miqdad, Syria’s deputy foreign minister. The media report said Campeau was able to escape earlier this week on the first day of the Eid holiday."I was held prisoner for eight months, and I managed to escape," Campeau could be heard saying in English during the interview before the broadcast switches to the voice of an Arabic translator."They forgot to lock the door to my room," he adds in English, before the translator quotes him as saying that “the terrorist kidnappers came from several countries … They are groups that do not know mercy.” Reuters reported earlier that at the time of Campeau's disappearance, a rebel source in southern Syria said he had been taken by another rebel brigade and held for ransom.

 Question 1:  Held for ransom????..........  Did the Canadian government pay to have this man released ? Hence, the conveniently unlocked door?BTW:  Kudos to the Assad government for getting this man to safetyUPDATE: via Italian media

 After eight months in captivity is back free today Carl Campeau, a Canadian national lawyer who was in Syria as adviser to the United Nations. Last February, had been kidnapped by Syrian rebels while he was on the Golan Heights as part of the mission UNDOF (United Nations Disengagement Observer Force)

Question 2: Isn't it interesting that the Canadian government was for all intents and purposes dead silent on the kidnapping of this man by the very 'rebels' they support,  back and claim are 'freedom fighters'?Didn't they want Canadians to know the truth about the riff raff/hired killers/mercs supported by Canada and all the other NATO warmongering nations?Only conclusion I can come to.Perhaps that is why the DOD in Canada is snooping around?
