Canada Is NO Longer A Free Nation: Criminal Prime Minister Stephen Harper Is Selling The Politics Of Fear

I truly am disgusted these days having to call myself a "Canadian".... This nation that used to pride itself not too long ago for being truly a land of freedom and opportunity and one that used to be a "beacon of light" for other nations to strive to emulate is now a land of tyranny, thanks primarily to the criminal machinations of the so called "federal government" under that ultra criminal who calls himself the Prime Minister, Stephen Harper....Recently, I reported on how the criminal Canadian "federal government" was pushing through a major bill called "C-51" that would give the Canadian spy organization called "CSIS' as well as other so called "federal authorities" unprecedented powers to basically call anyone they wanted a "terrorist" and throw anyone into prison on trumped up charges of being a "terrorist" or having associations with any know "terrorist groups".... It is a draconian measure that would strip away what little freedoms that the Canadian public has left for the illusion of "security".....  It also meant that anyone, even myself, that challenged the criminal nature of the Canadian government could suddenly be labeled as being a "terrorist"!    The sad part is that most Canadians are too gullible and ignorant to even understand that our country, Canada, would indeed be a police state with the passage of that outrageous bill......For this article, I want to turn to an amazing report that comes from the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation's online news service, at, where American consumer advocate, Ralph Nader himself, has stated that Canadian Prime Minister, Stephen Harper, is indeed selling the politics of fear to the Canadian public by his ramming through the most evil bill C-51..... I have the link to that CBC news report right here for everyone, and especially those living here in Canada, to carefully read for themselves...  It is important that everyone especially read the important letter that Ralph Nader wrote to the criminal Canadian Prime Minister himself....My thoughts and comments will follow: Notes: First, I find it so sad that it takes an American consumer advocate to come forward and put out a letter to the criminal Canadian Prime Minister stating the obvious about how truly disgusting the latest bill C-51 truly is..... I do wonder why more Canadians are not standing up to prevent the passage of this most horrendous bill and the resulting loss of personal liberties and freedoms?The fact is that the Canadian Jew spew media has been working hand in hand with the criminal Canadian government in trying to push this fraud 'terrorist threat' on the gullible Canadian public.  But again as I have pointed out, the entire "terrorist threat" is an absolute phantom and a fraud... These criminals have indeed been using the psychology of fear too well, knowing that the first thing that people do when they become afraid is to seek some type of safety and security from their own government!I have stated many times in the past that if people ever surrender their freedoms for the illusion of "security" then those people will wake up one day with NO freedoms and absolutely NO security.... It is still my hope that there is time in waking up the Canadian public to the truth about "terrorism" and the evil nature of this latest bill "C-51"...But time is indeed running short....More to comeNTS