Canada Is Most Definitely Jewish Occupied Territory: THIS Is A New Low, Even For Canada!

I am truly disgusted to be a Canadian these days... Right now, we have that homosexual Canadian Foreign Minister, John Baird, over in Israel groveling openly to his Jewish masters and honestly sucking and swallowing as much as he can..... It is disgusting to see that fool and Israel-firster sit there and absolutely bow down to his Jewish masters and pledge his undying allegiance to that criminal and psychotic state.. That is bad enough, but I have more disgusting news to report here...Right now, I want to present a great article that comes courtesy of the website: Desert Peace, at It is entitled: "Je Suis Canadien, Oy Canada" and it is a must read by everyone, especially those who read this blog and live in what used to be the free nation called Canada... As you will see in this article, that I have right here for everyone to see for themselves, this nation of Canada now fully grovels and bows down to their true masters, the criminal state of Israel.... It is so disgusting to behold... I have my own thoughts and comments to follow:

#JeSuisCanadien ~~ OY CANADA

January 20, 2015 at 07:34 Canada Post has reached a new low by issuing a postage stamp honouring the dishonourable! Oy Canada! See THIS related report *The following is from the archives*Despite the 30 Billion a year that the US taxpayers send to Israel, Netanyahu considers Harper his best, perhaps only, friend among today’s world leaders, and to be a wholehearted supporter of his government’s policy.*Neither seem aware of the Canadian Government’s policy …On the eve of Harper’s visit to Israel, the Foreign Ministry in Ottawa issued an updated policy paper on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Although many on the right believe the Harper government to be a full-fledged supporter of Israeli policy on the Palestinian issue, the policy paper states that Canada believes the settlements are illegal and an obstacle to peace.*And being anti-Harper is not anti-Canadian!*The Palestinian view …“We regret the Canadian government’s decision to stand on the wrong side of history by blindly supporting the Israeli occupation and its apartheid policies.” “Canadian Foreign Minister John Baird has contributed to Israeli violations of Palestinian inalienable rights, including our right to self-determination, by systematically lobbying against all Palestinian diplomatic initiatives.”“The Palestinian people as well as the rest of the Arab and Muslim countries deserve an apology from the Canadian government for years of systematic attempts at blocking the right of the Palestinian people to a state of their own.”

Angry Palestinians Hurl Eggs at Canadian Minister

The motorcade of Canada’s Foreign Minister John Baird was struck by eggs as he left a meeting with PA counterpart Riyad al-Malki.

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NTS Notes: This is one of the most wretched displays of subservience that I have ever seen.... I cannot believe that there is not more public outcry to this absolutely disgusting display of pure treason by the criminal Canadian government....As I have always said... If these fools love the criminal and psychotic state of Israel so much, then they should immediately give up their Canadian citizenships, surrender their passports, and board the first airplane flights out of Canada to go and live in that Jewish insane asylum called Israel.... Canada needs leadership that ONLY supports the needs and wishes of the Canadian people, period!One other note... A Canadian Federal Election is coming later on this year... I hope that those Canadians that actually go out and vote look closely at who these criminals actually support and pledge their allegiance to... Lets hope that if that election is not fixed like the previous one, that the good people of Canada throw these treasonous criminals out of office....More to comeNTS