Can Foreign Leaders, Outside Of Putin, Trust Anything Trump Or His People Say?

Trump's fascinating hour and 17 minutes performance art piece Thursday-- one Republican senator, not amused suggested he should have done it privately, with a therapist, not on live TV-- was unmoored from objective reality. Subject by subject, getting at any semblance of The Truth was not on Trump's agenda. Instead, he sent the fact checking services into a flurry of overtime activities.One particularly bizarre lie he harped on-- perhaps forgetting the campaign (in which nearly 3 million more people chose Hillary Clinton than himself-- was an old right-wing gem about Hillary giving away 20% of America's uranium supplies to Russia. If you're a brainwashed or drugged up denizen of Hate Talk Radio or Fox you know all about that. If you're just a normal American, you probably were hearing the baseless charge for the very first time.After Trump's performance art piece Thursday, CNBC reported the claim false, as PolitiFact had already done when Trumpy-the-Clown was repeating it on the stump.

At a campaign rally in Waukesha, Wis., Donald Trump made a number of attacks on Hillary Clinton's tenure as secretary of state, including one involving Russia.Clinton "gave up 20 percent of America's uranium supply to Russia-- to Russia," Trump said Sept. 28, 2016, two days after their first debate. "You know what people do with uranium, don’t you? It’s called nuclear. Twenty percent. They could have never done it without her."

The Hate Talk Radio stations Trump listens to as if they were real news, have long reported that Russia’s nuclear energy agency bought a controlling stake in Uranium One, a Canadian company with mines in Wyoming, Utah and other states. It doesn't produce 20% of America's uranium and, unless Trump grants it to them, it doesn't have an export license to send Russian even one gram of uranium. Uranium One also owns mines in the former Soviet Republican of Kazakhstan and that's what Putin was interested in. PolitiFact's rating:

Trump says Clinton "gave up 20 percent of America's uranium supply to Russia."The reference is to Russia’s nuclear power agency buying a controlling interest in a Toronto-based company. That company has mines, mills and tracts of land in Wyoming, Utah and other U.S. states equal to about 20 percent of U.S. uranium production capacity (not produced uranium).Clinton was secretary of state at the time, but she didn’t have the power to approve or reject the deal. The State Department was only one of nine federal agencies that signed off on the deal, and only Obama had the power to veto it.

So, yes, Trump was lying again. Now, let's see if this was all about Trump giving Putin an export license for American-mined uranium and then blaming Hillary and Obama, who never allowed any U.S. uranium to go to Russia. Would it surprise you? It wouldn't surprise me if Trump sold Putin the White House silverware. Yesterday, The Scotsman reported that the leader of Scotland's Conservative Party, Ruth Davidson, is telling people that after Theresa May met the unhinged sociopathic American president the British government began "reassessing" America's reliability as an ally. She described Trump's Regime as "chaotic," blaming a "lack of professionalism and moral seriousness." She pointed out that Trump's Regime is one step away from being run by a pack of "white supremacist bloggers."

Referring to the UK-US relationship, she said: “We are going to want to make sure that any deals that are done he is going to honour. We have to be sure of that.”Ms Davidson does not attend cabinet meetings but has an invitation to attend Prime Minister Theresa May’s “political cabinets”, when political strategy rather than government business is discussed.Her comments come after the Prime Minister attempted to strike a friendly tone when she visited Mr Trump last month... The Scottish Tory leader also said caution was required with a President whose early actions should “worry us all.”She added: “At the moment, from the UK, we have always seen America as being a very strong, a reliable ally and now, even after only 26 days or however long the tenure has been so far in Pennsylvania Avenue, we are beginning to reassess how reliable an ally the United States is.”

In Germany yesterday, John McCain wasn't exactly reassuring to the people attending the Munich Security Conference. He admitted that the Trump Regime is in "disarray" and that Trump "contradicts himself so we've learned to watch what the president does as opposed to what he says." Trump sent Pence to the conference today to pretend everything back in DC is nice and normal-- nothing to worry about. Referring to Ewald-Heinrich von Kleist, a German patriot who attempted to assassinate Hitler in 1944, McCain asked rhetorically, "What would von Kleist’s generation say if they saw our world today?" And answered, harshly rebuking Trump without mentioning his reviled name: "They would be alarmed by an increasing turn away from universal values and toward old ties of blood, and race, and sectarianism. They would be alarmed by the hardening resentment we see toward immigrants, and refugees, and minority groups, especially Muslims. They would be alarmed by the growing inability, and even unwillingness, to separate truth from lies. They would be alarmed that more and more of our fellow citizens seem to be flirting with authoritarianism and romanticizing it as our moral equivalent... [W]e stand for truth against falsehood, freedom against tyranny, right against injustice, [and] hope against despair. I am proud, unapologetic believer in the West, and I believe we must always, always stand up for it-- for if we do not, who will?"Michael Fallon, the British Defense Minister told the conefrence that "We should be under no illusions about the step-change in Russian behavior over the last couple of years, even after Crimea...We have seen a step-change in Russian military aggression, but also in propaganda, in misinformation and a succession of persistent attacks on Western democracies, interference in a whole series of elections including... the United States."Currently Putin's agents have been fomenting riots across Paris-- now spreadeing around the rest of France-- in an attempt to help a fascist takeover in that country. Trumpist media allies are getting out the word to bolster Putin's efforts for Le Pen.