The "Burning" Of the "Jordanian Pilot" By CIA/Mossad Run ISIS Is Definitely Bullshit: Rita Katz Is At It Again Fake ISIS Video Exposed (And One Very Important Observation By NTS...)

I have been scouring the internet these last few days, keeping up with all the reports about that absolutely laughable and complete bullshit "video" produced by that Jewess troll named Rita Katz and her very criminal and diabolical SITE group... Anyone that knows about SITE by now is that it is a pure Jewish propaganda organization that produces nothing but reports and "videos" that are nothing but a pack of lies... They were the ones behind the BS "Osama bin Laden" videos that filled the lying mainstream media outlets for the almost full 10 years AFTER he died in the mountains of northern Afghanistan in December of 2001..... It is so disgusting that there are complete morons and idiots out there that actually fall for their crap!I came across the following report from the Intellihub website at, that I do want to share with everyone... The report is a reproduction from that Ugly Truth website (even these liars have to produce some truth from time to time) and it admits that the latest "burning" video is indeed a fake... AND the article makes an amazing observation and admission about the Sandy Hook fraud shooting that nobody should ignore, and I will explain that in my follow up notes... I have that article here for everyone to see for themselves first and foremost:Rita Katz is at it again — Fake ISIS video exposed   February 5, 2015 11:58 am EST The Ugly TruthZany prankster Rita Katz, 52, has co-produced a new video, this one purporting to show ISIS members burning a Jordanian pilot in a cage. The “ISIS” members are actually members of the Jordanian army, as you will see below.Rita’s claims (which is all over the corporate media) are that Muath Safi Yousef Al-Kasasbeh, 26, was aerial refueling his F-16 during a bomb run on 24 Dec 2014, when a mechanical problem forced him to eject over the city of Raqqah in northern Syria, by the Euphrates River. Then “ISIS captured him.”In Rita’s  22-minute video, Mr Al-Kasasbeh wears an orange tee-shirt and pants, and is professionally videotaped from various angles making a confession, just like CIA employee James Foley, Stephen Sotloff, David Haines, Alan Henning, Peter Kassig, and so on.  All those videos came from Ritz Katz.But instead of “beheading,” this time Rita had ISIS (i.e. Jordanian army guys posing as ISIS) supposedly burn Al-Kasasbeh alive in a cage on 3 Jan 2015, or maybe it was 3 Feb 2015. (Different media outlets give different dates.)Anyway, Rita had the ISIS video before ISIS did, as always.The only corporate media outlet willing to pay for her latest video was Fox [...]. The other outlets merely mention it, claiming that it further justifies the “war on terror,” plus the war on Syria. And Iraq. And Yemen. And Somalia. And Pakistan. And Afghanistan. And so on.And it further vindicates Chris Kyle too.After Rita’s fake James Foley “beheading,” CNN interviewed a young woman who claimed to be James Foley’s sister, in order to create human interest in the hoax. The “sister” was a crisis actress named Alex Israel. (A “crisis actress” is paid to do fake interviews for news outlets, claiming to be related to someone who was supposedly killed.) Ms. Israel falsely claimed to be Foley’s sister.  Earlier she had falsely claimed to the “elementary school classmate” of Adam Lanza, the alleged Sandy Hook killer.Rita’s latest fake involved a Jordanian. That’s because King Abdullah II is now helping in the war on Syria, and he wants the support of the Jordanian Arabs to slaughter their fellow Arabs next door. News of Rita Katz’ latest farce was released as King Abdullah visited Obama at the White House.Read full report via The Ugly Truth (link here)NTS Notes:  I came across the following very important video that explains in some detail how simple it is to make a fake fire.... Here is that video: NTS Notes:  Yes, this Jordanian pilot execution is indeed a fraud, just like all the other "beheading" videos that we were inundated by this same criminal SITE group for the past year... It is so disgusting that so many people are still fooled...Now for that very important observation, and it fully vindicates myself and especially Whitewraithe that was so badly attacked by the webmaster behind that "Ugly Truth" site over two years ago.... Note the following part of the TUT report that I will replicate here first and foremost, with the section that I call into question highlighted...After Rita’s fake James Foley “beheading,” CNN interviewed a young woman who claimed to be James Foley’s sister, in order to create human interest in the hoax. The “sister” was a crisis actress named Alex Israel. (A “crisis actress” is paid to do fake interviews for news outlets, claiming to be related to someone who was supposedly killed.) Ms. Israel falsely claimed to be Foley’s sister.  Earlier she had falsely claimed to the “elementary school classmate” of Adam Lanza, the alleged Sandy Hook killer. NTS Note:  I do have a problem with this statement by the Ugly Truth webmaster... How can he make this statement that shows clearly that crisis actors were used at the fraud Sandy Hook shooting, for it clearly means that the entire shooting was a hoax. (Why would any crisis actors be at a real shooting?) This flies in the TUT webmaster's face considering that HE has stood his ground and stated that Sandy Hook was real!   And he suddenly says that Adam Lanza was the "alleged" Sandy Hook killer?  How can Adam Lanza suddenly be "alleged" when the TUT webmaster has stated for the last two full years that Sandy Hook was real and that the government reports were real????   Is he suddenly changing his tune and coming to the reality of the fraudulence of Sandy Hook?    If that is so, then a massive string of apologies are indeed to be forthcoming, especially to Whitewraithe whom he attempted to destroy!   He cannot have it both ways, and this admission means that he has a lot of explaining to do.....Yes, we are indeed being exposed to another fraud... The shootings, the bombings, the beheadings, the burning, and heck everything about this "war on terrorism" and "ISIS" itself are all massive con games on peoples' minds... It is time for everyone to wake up and take our own governments to task for these lies...More to comeNTS*Subsequent note: The people who still back MG over at the "TUT" website are now reaching for excuses to protect the webmaster there... One even went so far as to claim that I said that MG himself committed "suicide" (!) which to me is so ludicrous and so reaching for something outrageous, it is beyond ridiculous... If anything, these actions by the TUT group shows they have "shot themselves" which of course is a figure of speech and should never be taken out of context....  But again, they will do anything to twist this to make themselves look innocent..... But the proof is there... And again, to say that crisis actors have been used should right away alert anyone that we are dealing with a fraud....