Bullsh–ter Barack Obama calls President Trump “a bullsh–ter”

We can only guess that it takes one to know one.
Obama is a neo-liberal’s wet dream, while Trump is their worst nightmare.
People Magazine dedicated their cover story this month to the former POTUS…aka the “cool, even-keeled, no-drama Barack Obama.”
In the People Magazine article, two anonymous sources friendly with the the former first family reveal that Obama frequently described Trump as “nothing but a bullshitter”…which we find ironic given that Obama…

  • never shut down Guantanamo,
  • never ended Bush’s wars (he actually took 2 wars and turned them into 7),
  • never helped out the American middle class (he instead bailed out the bankers and bankrupted main street),
  • and instead of bringing transparency to government, Obama oversaw the largest journalist surveillance apparatus in the history of the United States.

But, in liberal left logic, Obama could do no wrong. Via People Magazine

“He’s nothing but a bullsh–ter,” Obama told two friends early last November, describing an election night phone call with Trump, in which the businessman suddenly professed his “respect” and “admiration” for Obama—after years of hectoring.
Speaking to PEOPLE for its new cover story on Obama and his wife Michelle adjusting to life outside the White House, the two friends quoted Obama’s blunt assessment of President-elect Trump. And how has Obama’s opinion changed since Trump been in office? “Well,” said one of the sources, “it hasn’t gotten any better.”

People Magazine also notes that while Obama once said he would lead the opposition movement against President Trump, it appears Obama has had a change of heart and now wishes to be “very respectful of the appropriate role of a former president.”  
We can only guess that Obama’s change of heart came when he saw the cash flow coming in from various speaking engagements, opting to focus on become a multi-millionaire rather than part of the Trump resistance movement.

A third source close to Obama tells PEOPLE: “He’s deeply concerned with what he’s seen. But he’s also optimistic and heartened that citizens aren’t just watching it happen but engaging with neighbors and elected representatives at town halls.”
“He’s very respectful of the appropriate role of a former president and that ex-presidents should not be looking over the shoulder of their successors and commenting on every decision,” says Obama’s long-time friend and political strategist David Axelrod, now director of the University of Chicago’s Institute of Politics.
“President Obama’s predecessor didn’t do that. Obviously, this now is a unique set of circumstances, but my sense is that he’s going to try and respect that tradition while reserving the right to speak out in given moments when things rise to that level.”

The post Bullsh–ter Barack Obama calls President Trump “a bullsh–ter” appeared first on The Duran.
