Bulgaria: U.S. Contractors Killed, Injured Testing Weapons For Syrian Rebels

Sofia News Agency
June 9, 2015
US Contractors Hurt in Anevo Incident Were Testing Arms for Syrian Opposition Army
The three US citizens injured near Bulgaria’s Anevo were in fact sent on a mission to test weapons that would then be sold to the Syrian opposition, Reuters reported.
The arms allegedly were going to be used for anti-IS efforts in the region accoridng to an anonymous US military source.
One of the US contractors was killed and two more were injured during the incident Saturday after a rocket-propelled grenade malfunctioned.
“These guys were out there prepping (arms) for eventual transfer … for the Syria T&E (train and equip) effort,” the military official informed Reuters.
Bulgarian government’s press office was unavailable for a comment on the case. According to information released by the Bulgarian Economy Ministry, private company Angus hired military officers to test the grenade. The company, however, did not have an official permit to export arms.
