BREAKING: USS John McCain violates Chinese sovereignty in South China Sea

The Duran hours ago reported that the United States has sent the USS John McCain (yes, you read that correctly) is being sent towards Korean waters in a further ramping up of militarisation of the conflict on the Korean peninsula.
On its way, the USS McCain sailed through the South China Sea where it violated Chinese maritime sovereignty.
China has responded furiously with Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Geng Shuang issuing a statement saying,

“The US destroyer’s actions have violated Chinese and international laws, as well as severely harmed China’s sovereignty and security.
China is very displeased with this and will bring up the issue with the US side”.

China went on to blast the US for not asking nor receiving any authorisation from China to transverse the waters. China repeatedly critises the US for violating Chinese areas of the Sea under the US pretext of so-called ‘freedom of navigation’ which China deems invalid. To this end, China said America violated the “indisputable sovereignty over the Nansha Islands (Spratley) and its surrounding waters”.
Geng continud,

“The Chinese army immediately sent warships (to the area) in accordance with the law to implement the identification of the US ship and warn it off”.

This confirms the analysis of The Duran’s Alexander Mercouris who has stated that China is losing patience with the US over the Korean issue. Indeed, China is losing patience with the US over its repeated violations of China’s sovereignty in its South China Sea as well as its meddling and provocations towards its Korean neighbours.
READ MORE: Angry China warns US on North Korea: back off and talk or risk disaster
The post BREAKING: USS John McCain violates Chinese sovereignty in South China Sea appeared first on The Duran.
