BREAKING: Russian lawyer pictured with Obama’s Ambassador to Russia after meeting Trump Jr.

Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya told NBC News that she was not with the Kremlin as was initially reported by the propaganda liberal left news outlet The New York Times.
The question now arises…was Natalia Veselnitskaya actually working with the Obama Administration, with ties to former US Ambassador to Russia, Michael McFaul?
Which then leads to the question…was this just one big set up operation, to hold this against Donald Trump Jr., should the unthinkable outcome occur and his father win the US Presidency?

The Gateway Pundit reports

Natalia Veselnitskaya was sitting with Obama’s Ambassador to Russia Michael McFaul during a Foreign Affairs Committee hearing, 8 days after cold-contacting Trump Jr. in Trump Tower.
Here is another shot from the June 14, 2016 Congressional hearing on Russia and the Ukraine.

According to The Gateway Pundit, the man sitting next to Natalia Veselnitskaya looks like Emin Agalarov.

He was mentioned in Donald Trump Jr’s statement this morning. Emin helped set up the meeting with Veselnitskaya.
Veselnitskaya was also connected to Fusion GPS, the DNC opposition research firm that produced the fraudulent and discredited Trump Dossier.
So why was Veselnitskaya hanging out with Obama officials just days after her meeting with Donald Trump Jr.?
And why was Veselnitskaya given a privileged seat up front during the Congressional hearing?

What do you think?

The post BREAKING: Russian lawyer pictured with Obama’s Ambassador to Russia after meeting Trump Jr. appeared first on The Duran.
