BREAKING NEWS: Supreme Court upholds Donald Trump’s travel ban Executive Order

The Supreme Court of the United States has finally and conclusively affirmed that Donald Trump’s “travel ban” Executive Order is both lawful and constitutional and was made within the scope of his authority as President of the United States.
Though the decision was formally by a 5 to 4 majority, claims in the media that the Supreme Court split on party lines are misleading since the Supreme Court’s Judgment shows that two of the dissenting Justices (Breyer and Kagan) admitted that the Order and Proclamation which followed it was lawful and constitutional but had concerns about how it was being applied.
Only two of the Supreme Court’s Justices – Sotomayor and Ginsburg – said that the Order and the Proclamation were discriminatory and unconstitutional on their face.
The Judgment of the majority of the Supreme Court is exactly in line with The Duran’s earlier analyses of the succession of “travel ban” Executive Orders made over the course of his Presidency by Donald Trump (see for example the first in our series here).
A full discussion of the Supreme Court’s Judgment will appear shortly in a video which will be published by The Duran on our site and on YouTube.
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