Breaking News: Heavily Armed Marines Arrive at US Embassy in Baghdad

Caught this as I was about to stop reading news:I do not think this has anything to do with the regular occurring protests. Will their be a false flag type attack on Iraq's parliament? With the special ops forces appearing in ISIS garb?Anything is possible. It's certainly coming down to the wire in Iraq.Interesting admission in this CNN news article!CNN

(CNN)Twenty-five additional heavily armed U.S. Marines arrived at the U.S. embassy in Baghdad within the last several hours, a U.S. official tells CNN.

The Marines were requested by the State Department, which is in charge of security. Concerns have risen since demonstrations occurred there last week in Baghdad's "Green Zone," where the embassy is located. More demonstrations had been expected Friday but the U.S. official said the area has remained peaceful so far. Neither the Pentagon or State Department disclosed the precise number of security forces already on site.

So no protests. Not that they were unusual anyway..... And  Marines are in charge of security at the embassy in the green zone. (wonder how much of the green zone is under state department security?)  Interesting.Don't Miss from Earlier:

The Big Nuking of '59 How the US would have Nuked East Asia. ISIS to East Asia?

Two articles that seem not to go together, but, maybe they do?The ways of waging war are many. The resulting death, destruction, disease and chaos are the consistencies- And though the method may change it seems past targets can still be future targets..From the past:

A recent collaborative project between(you'll want to check the image at the link) the Future of Life Institute and Nukemaps has created a visual representation of U.S. plans to use nuclear weapons against the Soviet bloc in 1959. The strikes, derived from a declassified list of U.S. nuclear targets published by the National Security Archive, reveals the big plans that the United States had for war in East Asia.

read the rest below!
