BREAKING: Iran promises tough ramifications if nuclear deal abandoned

With US President Donald Trump threatening not to renew the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA),  the deal reached in 2015 to limit Iran’s nuclear development program, calling it the worst deal in history, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani is threatening harsh ramifications if the JCPOA is not preserved in its present form, together with the sanctions relief that were part of the deal.
Trump says he won’t renew the deal unless it is renegotiated with more favorable terms for America. Presently, the Brits and French are coming to terms with the possibility of developing new sanctions against Iran over its missile testing program in an effort to placate Trump and preserve the deal.
Sputnik reports:

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani has warned US President Donald Trump to remain in the nuclear deal with Tehran, or face “severe consequences”.
“I am telling those in the White House that if they do not live up to their commitments, the Iranian government will react firmly,” Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said Tuesday.

In addition to Trump’s desire to renegotiate or scrap the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, limiting Iran’s nuclear development program, Trump has added two anti-Iran hawks to his cabinet in recent months, including the addition of addition of Mike Pompeo as the new Secretary of State and John “bomb Iran” Bolton.
Each of the other members of the JCPOA nuclear deal have been stressing that the plan must remain in force, with some of its European members even proposing additional sanctions on Iran in order to placate the Americans in a bid to preserve the deal. Iran, however, demands its preservation under its current iteration, stressing that any alterations to the agreement would effectively result in its end.
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