BREAKING: Huge Numbers of Dead and Wounded as Terrorists Rain Missiles down on Aleppo

Silvia Cattori
Arret Sur Info
The missiles raining down upon Aleppo since dawn on the 3rd May 2016 are being launched by the terrorist groups our media like to call “revolutionaries”.
“Today, the deluge of bombs striking Aleppo have targeted the Obstetric hospital. Huge numbers of dead and wounded.” ~ Dr Nabil Antaki, 3pm

“A massive explosion.  The battles have not stopped. More than 100 mortars since this morning.  The Aleppo students should have sat end of year exams today.  There is firing from all sides.
Ambulance sirens can be heard everywhere.  This is nothing new, but today its horrible! ” ~ Father Georges Sabe, 12.30pm

“The whole building where I am has just shook, it was almost lifted off the ground. The battles are terrible outside, you have no idea”. ~ Pierre le Corf

Photos taken from SANA Facebook page.

Translated from the French by Vanessa Beeley
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