BREAKING: After RT, US Senate now demanding Twitter reveal WikiLeaks direct messages

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First it was RT and Sputnik. Now it’s Wikileaks.
Yesterday Twitter, under pressure from the US Congress and Deep State, made the decision to remove all RT and Sputnik ads from its platform.
The Duran noted

Expect Facebook and YouTube to follow suite in short order. After banning RT and Sputnik’s ads from social media, the profiles will also be deemed in violation of terms.
It is a slippery slope and we have just entered a fast descent into Deep State censorship.

Twitter is learning the hard way that when you give the US Congress an inch, they will take a yard.
Soon, the US Deep State will be able to request DM’s from any individual or organization at any time. This is just the beginning of America’s descent into surveillance hell…and the end of Twitter as a reliable and trusted communication platform.
Why in God’s name would anyone invest their time and money into building a twitter presence, only to have it handed to Congress or the Deep State at anytime.
RT reports

The ranking member of the US Senate Judiciary Committee is seeking information “not routinely shared with Congress.”
Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-California) has written to the Twitter CEO asking for documents related to “all ads and organic content posted by Russia-connected users and targeted to any part of the United States, regardless of whether the individual or entity violated any Twitter policy.”
Feinstein also listed 14 other categories of information in her request to Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey, including any information on the hacker Guccifer, in the letter dated October 27.

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Wikileaks sent out this tweet moments ago..

US Senator Feinstein asks Twitter to hand over @WikiLeaks DMs. Feinstein has called to prosecute Assange for 7 years

US Senator Feinstein asks Twitter to hand over @WikiLeaks DMs. Feinstein has called to prosecute Assange for 7 years
— WikiLeaks (@wikileaks) October 27, 2017

And then followed up with this tweet…

Feinstein is also asking for the DMs of one of our staff lawyers @granmarga [who is also ex-wife of our late chief counsel @justleft]

Feinstein is also asking for the DMs of one of our staff lawyers @granmarga [who is also ex-wife of our late chief counsel @justleft]
— WikiLeaks (@wikileaks) October 27, 2017

The post BREAKING: After RT, US Senate now demanding Twitter reveal WikiLeaks direct messages appeared first on The Duran.
