This is a completely unscripted and impromptu dialogue about what it is that we are all looking for. We all require meaning in our lives. So, how do we go about finding this meaning? Is it correct to follow the instruction booklet handed to us by society, or do we need to go about it another way? Aaron probably doesn't answer any of these questions, but he certainly explores them here with sincerity for what that is worth. topics include: can you blame the world for your problems, existential crisis, sociology, psychology, soul, mind, consciousness, subconscious, programmed responses, inspiration, dreams, jobs, careers, American Dream, truth, objectivity, subjectivity, metaphysical aspects of life, dolphin intelligence, finding meaning in life, the Void, mysticism, formulaic thinking, depression, success, responsibility, enjoying misery, healthcare, caring for one another, medicine, profit motive, capitalism, music, art, living the dream, gainful employment, career cannot fulfill you, dream jobs, money, comfort, privilege, coworkers talking about their work, subsistence wages, value of human life, homelessness, limitation of the individual leads to making cheap excuses, unnecessary suffering, folly of technological utopia ideal, artificial intelligence, Aaron’s upbringing, socially induced sado masochism, contentment, reflecting on your accomplishments, life is good, seeing the good aspects of your job, gyms, value of physical activity, human interaction, conversation, self empowerment, rejecting a life of torture, fighting back, satisfaction of belief in the past, emotion, we all need both criticism and praise, do what you want to do, not censoring yourself, doing more with less