BOMBSHELL: Susan Rice began spying on Trump team in July last year, when Trump won GOP nomination

The the real crime has nothing to do with the fake news that Trump is some Russian/Putin Manchurian candidate.
The real scandal is much simpler and sinister, and unlike the Trump-Russia election fairytale that has failed to produce any evidence in the last 8 months, this scandal is backed up by concrete evidence.
As Zerohedge so aptly explains“it’s growing increasingly unlikely that this operation was anything but a direct, targeted attempt of the Obama administration to utilize the full force of the U.S. intelligence apparatus to take down a political adversary.”
Former POTUS Barack Obama’s National Security Advisor (a woman many called his right hand staffer) used her powers to spy on a presidential candidate and his team members, and then set the conditions, with Executive Order 12333, to allow the intelligence agencies (that were ordered to spy on Trump), to leak the intelligence to the press.
The smoking guns, and there are many…

  • Computer logs that former President Obama’s team left behind in the White House prove that Susan Rice accessed numerous intelligence reports during Obama’s last seven months in office.
  • The logs contained National Security Agency intercepts involving Donald Trump and his associates.
  • And most damning of all…Rice’s interest in the NSA docs began last July, the same time Trump secured the GOP nomination.
  • Even worse…Rice’s interest in the intelligence docs accelerated after Trump’s election in November, lasting through January.
  • And finally…the surveillance that Rice was partaking in had very nothing to do with Russia, blowing apart the narrative laid out by the liberal left, that Rice’s spying was somehow excused because of a Trump-Kremlin connection.

Circa News reports

The intelligence reports included some intercepts of Americans talking to foreigners and many more involving foreign leaders talking about the future president, his campaign associates or his transition, the sources said. Most if not all had nothing to do with the Russian election interference scandal, the sources said, speaking only on condition of anonymity given the sensitive nature of the materials.
Ordinarily, such references to Americans would be redacted or minimized by the NSA before being shared with outside intelligence sources, but in these cases, names were sometimes unmasked at the request of Rice or the intelligence reports were specific enough that the American’s identity was easily ascertained, the sources said.
The exact national security justifications for Rice accessing the reports isn’t clear and may require additional documentation that the House and Senate intelligence committees have requested from the NSA, America’s lead agency in spying on foreign powers.
How the information was disseminated beyond Rice will also be a potential focus of congressional oversight, since lawmakers may want to know if it was briefed to Obama or shared with members of her larger circle of advisers, like deputy Ben Rhodes.
Rice has not returned repeated calls for comment from Circa. But in an interview with PBS recently, she said she had no idea what House Intelligence Committee chairman Devin Nunes was talking about when he said Obama officials were monitoring Trump associates after the election.

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