Boiling Frogs Post Needs “Your” Support: Take a Stand & Make a Statement by Supporting a Real Alternative

It Boils Down to ‘Us’ vs. ‘Them’- Let’s Not Let Them Win!
We want to thank all our supporters for their kind and generous contributions during these tough times. We know who you are. You are not ‘the’ 1% with deep pockets and devious agendas who feed and sustain the mainstream and pseudo-alternative misinformation mediums. On the other hand you are the ‘other’ 1%: The irate and tireless minority fed up with deception and propaganda, keen to set brush fires in people’s minds. We still have a long way to go before reaching our minimum goal necessary to sustain this truly independent site for another quarter. Without your subscriptions we won’t be able to create and produce original and independent multimedia shows. Without your donations we won’t be able to research and present to you crucial news and developments night after night. It is pretty simple: It boils down to ‘Us’ vs. ‘Them’- So please, let’s NOT let ‘them’ win.
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