Blowing The Orlando False Flag Shooting To Heck: Bombshell Proof There Was MORE Than One Operative Involved!

I have indeed been watching the reports coming out of the Jew spew media over the last day concerning this "shooting" in Orlando.... And of course what I have been watching is sickening and so full of bullshit that I have had to turn off the Talmudvision just to maintain my own sanity and to prevent myself from tossing the remote control right through the screen!   I am aghast and ashamed at what these liars are portraying, and especially how they are calling this "lone gunman" a Muslim extremist........ Everything that I and others with true critical thinking have seen over the alternative media shows that we are indeed dealing with a false flag operation.....And right now I want to present some new information that has come my way that blows holes in the "lone gunman" scenario for this false flag operation, and shows definitively that we are dealing with at least one more operative in this attack in Orlando.... For according to the information shown here in the following video, apparently there was at least ONE more individual involved in this "shooting" and that individual prevented most of the survivors of this shooting from escaping from the nightclub!  Here is that video, and I do have my own thoughts and comments to follow: NTS Notes: What this shows is that the set narrative put forward by the liars in the US government and the Jew spew media are exactly that... LIES!Yes, there was indeed more than one person involved in this operation, which automatically means we are indeed dealing with a massive conspiracy... The simple fact is that the government and media claims of a lone gunman doing all this shooting is now dead and people everywhere must wake up to this fact....I again am still looking for the logical reasoning for this operation... I would assume that the US government once again needs one of these "shootings" for not only their gun grabbing agenda, but to again launch the US into another war.... It does appear that they are wanting both, including getting "boots on the ground" in Syria to go after their fraudulent terrorist group called "ISIS"!As more information surfaces that exposes this operation in Orlando, Florida, I will try to present it here for everyone to see for themselves... Stay tuned...More to comeNTS